women and belly fat

I have noticed that it is taking me much longer to lose weight than men who are also trying to lose weight. The scale hasnt budged but my clothes are fitting different and i can no button a size 14 jeans with me in them :) I usually do ea sports which consists of walking, running, kickups, various lunges, and arm exercises and I also use a stationary bike and do dance videos.

I am not seeing the difference in my belly fat. I wanted to know if there are any particular exercises you ladies do to lose your belly fat and your back fat. I feel like the things I am doing are not targeting those areas and i dont knw of anythin other than situps...

Thanks in advance for all your help! God bless!


  • dancinblonde0099
    dancinblonde0099 Posts: 118 Member
    That would be great to know!
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I realized this too today. A friend of mine suggested too much gluten products ( wheat, rye, barley). My other friend suggested too much salt. I have been controlling my salt intake for about a week now. I am going to look into starting a gluten free diet and see if that helps.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Sad fact is you cant spot reduce D: Belly fat is usually one of the last places to go... so just keep up the hard work and you will see results!
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    i asked my roommie and he's a fitness nut/guru/trainer/nut :p

    he says that just so you're aware situps and crunches are temporary solutions and will nto really shed the fat, only build temp muscles. he says the only legit way of losing it, *brace yourself* is running. hit the streets, hit the treadmill, hit the eliptical. Whatever it takes to make you go the distance.


    hope that helps
  • nvshu2
    nvshu2 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found that by cutting my sugar intake it made a significant difference in my waist. This is such a troublesome spot for women and it seems that by cutting the sugar it really helps.

  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Keep it up - cardio is king for belly fat - or fat period. I have never targeted and have lost over 10 inches off my waist. You have only just begun - give it some time and keep up the good work! Love EA Sports - try the Zumba for Wii too :-)

    Oh - and previous responder says running - running is just another cardio exercise - do what feels great for you! Swimming is also great.
  • shelbyj72
    shelbyj72 Posts: 184 Member
    I have been doing spinning classes at the gym and I have notice that my back fat is almost gone & my muffin top is slimming down alot. You have to do a lot of cardio to get rid of belly fat. You can do jumping jacks and planks. At home I usually do 30 day Shred with Jillian.
  • s704a191
    I have started paying close attention to my salt/sodium intake. Its only been 5 days, but I am in hopes that it will work for the troublesome belly fat area.
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    bump. i am a pumpkin. i store most of my weight around my middle.. i have skinny limbs so i "wear my weight" well (i am just good at hiding my fats). if i wore something unflattering, i look pregnant.

    i have been trying to cut down on sugar (failing this past week). i heard something about gluten too, but i am not too sure which foods contain gluten and which do not.
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    I have been doing spinning classes at the gym and I have notice that my back fat is almost gone & my muffin top is slimming down alot. You have to do a lot of cardio to get rid of belly fat. You can do jumping jacks and planks. At home I usually do 30 day Shred with Jillian.

    Isn't spinning the greatest? I love it. Been spinning since Oct 2010 and have lost 57 lbs since then. Of course, I am eating within my calorie allowance, but the spinning is such a great cardio workout and burns loads of calories. I hate running and elliptical - so glad I gave spinning a try.
  • Jess116
    Jess116 Posts: 57 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough Vitamin D, in addition to cardio. :)
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Kettlebell swing for 20 minutes 3x a week....that's my goal anyway. Right now I'm good to get 20 swings without stopping. But it's a full body workout and demands you hold your gluts, quads, back, etc while you swing - otherwise you hurt yourself.

    No matter what exercise you do, hold in that gut with all you got!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    i asked my roommie and he's a fitness nut/guru/trainer/nut :p

    he says that just so you're aware situps and crunches are temporary solutions and will nto really shed the fat, only build temp muscles. he says the only legit way of losing it, *brace yourself* is running. hit the streets, hit the treadmill, hit the eliptical. Whatever it takes to make you go the distance.


    hope that helps

    This made me feel REALLY good! thank you!
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    I have been doing cardio kickboxing and zumba for xbox kinect and have noticed results in my belly.
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    I've lost 8 lbs so far. did notice a slight difference in belly fat, but not as much as I thought losing 8 lbs. It takes time, I guess.
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    I guess the 22 lbs I gained over the last 3 years seems to be all in the belly but it really isn't. It's the last place to lose so if you notice any little difference at all, you're on the right track!~
  • southernlay_d
    How very funny. I was thinking the very same question about the mommy pouch earlier during my spin class! There I was spinning away wondering what I need to do to make it go away. I am really small everywhere else, but I have this stupid little pooch that is just being stubborn! I love my 3 little monsters, but I could have done without what they left behind!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    I hate to bring this up because I love my cocktails, but alcohol does terrible things to my tummy! :embarassed: I've noticed a HUGE difference since I slacked off on the beer!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    *bump* I hate my belly fat!!
  • keepitoff99
    I have found that by cutting my sugar intake it made a significant difference in my waist. This is such a troublesome spot for women and it seems that by cutting the sugar it really helps.


    I find that as well. As soon as I consume more than I should of sugar, it comes on in my belly.
    Comment about running getting rid of belly fat, I find it does with me - helps around the waist anyways.