How do your kids eat?

I know a lot of you have children, so I am curious what you feed them?

Do you only allow them to eat what you eat or do you still allow them some junk food?
I really am going to try and keep nothing but healthy in the house, because obviously it won't hurt my children to eat healthy and they will get treats at parties and at daycare. We had a really great meal tonight and both the girls loved it...AND it was quick. My youngest will eat anything, but my oldest is very particular.

So how do you do it in your house? Any healthy suggestions your children love?


  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    My kiddos usually eat whatever we eat but we don't deprive them of treats. They can have some here and there (candy, cookies, etc.) But they've cut back a lot on sugary items, as we've been keeping more fruits in our home. :) Tonight we are having salmon and rice. They don't want it, so I'm going to have daddy make them some tuna :) Both are easy and fast :)
  • turtle12
    My kids get one treat a day. If they complain they are hungry in between meals they can have healthy options like apple sclices carrots or cheese sticks.
  • SkinnyRachel
    I try really hard to only have healthy in the house and to fix the same thing for all of us. I figure if healthy eating is important for me, then it has to be important for the rest of my family (girl, boy and husband). There has been a fussing along the way, but slowly I am winning them over to my side. :) I have noticed that it cuts down on how much they are "hungry" if their choices are an apple or yogurt instead of chips or cookies. Hostess makes chocolate cupcakes, strawberry cupcakes and twinkies in 100 calorie packs. I've made those the "treats" in our house instead of cookies or candy and the kids seem to love them and not miss the other stuff.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Growing up, we ate what our parents ate, no exceptions. And if we didn't finish out plate, no dessert, which didn't phase me one bit since I didn't have a sweet tooth. My brother on the other hand would sit at the dinner table for almost 3 hours poking at cold green beans because he was bound and determined to get dessert lol.

    When we have kids, we're going to introduce them to healthier stuff right off the bat so they don't get spoiled with the junk food. My husband doesn't care what food is in the house so long as he can still have his double stuffed oreos, so I guess that's a fair compromise :) And the occassional treats like birthday cake won't hurt anything and will be seen as something to look forward to (my friend would get excited to come to our house because we had sodas and that was the only time she'd allow herself one).
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    MY 4 year old has treats but in limit and try to do suger free but will eat what we eat to but i think u just have to watch and not let it get out of control
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    My kids eat what's made. My youngest and I used to have battles over noodles vs. veggies when he was a toddler, but that didn't last too long. They get mostly healthy but being kids, I don't deprive them of treats. Of course, sometimes, a "treat" to my kids is a carrot. My 11 year old begged for pickled okra all weekend - that was HIS treat. Seafood is another big one, especially crab legs. So, it depends on how you define "treat". Junk food is infrequent but far from absent (assuming you mean ding dongs and not hot dogs). They definitely take a back, back, back seat to the healthy stuff though.
  • rizorw
    rizorw Posts: 67 Member
    I have a 5yo and a 6yo. I have not changed their diet yet. I have only been dieting for about a month and a half and have changed my diet drastically. I cook the same for them and make my food seporate. It takes a lot of willpower to stick with my food. I am slowly changing their diet to be more healthy. I started adding salad to their dinner and sharing my raw veggies during snack. This has made the experiance better for them. I hope this will make them like the healthy stuff and not hate it because they "have" to eat it. We hated being forced to eat veggies at dinner when we were kids.
    As long as they like what they are eating it is good to keep doing what you are doing.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    my kids are older (18 & 14) but my 18 yr old is a picky eater (unfortunately due to my choices as a young mom back when) - but they eat what I make, and I try to take into consideration what everyone likes while introducing new things with old favorites.
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 222 Member
    Our son (18 months) eats what we eat. He is actually the reason we started eating healthier. I didn't want him growing up on junk food. He loves fruits and veggies and pretty much anything else you give him. His faves are bananas, apples, green beans and salad. He also loves bread and pasta (gets it honestly from me), but we try to limit it.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Growing up, we ate what our parents ate, no exceptions. And if we didn't finish out plate, no dessert, which didn't phase me one bit since I didn't have a sweet tooth. My brother on the other hand would sit at the dinner table for almost 3 hours poking at cold green beans because he was bound and determined to get dessert lol.

    When we have kids, we're going to introduce them to healthier stuff right off the bat so they don't get spoiled with the junk food. My husband doesn't care what food is in the house so long as he can still have his double stuffed oreos, so I guess that's a fair compromise :) And the occassional treats like birthday cake won't hurt anything and will be seen as something to look forward to (my friend would get excited to come to our house because we had sodas and that was the only time she'd allow herself one).

    This is exactly how it should be done!! Veggies for first foods - NOT FRUIT!! Otherwise they get spoiled for the sweet stuff. :-) I really think this is how I won with not having any major pickiness. There's some genuine dislikes (my younger genuinely doesn't like tomatoes, potatoes and bell peppers; my older genuinely dislikes cooked bell peppers and cooked tomatos and he's just recently started eating tomatos raw & mushrooms) - but some of that will change as they grow and tastebuds alter.
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I've never really restricted my kids from anything. I once worked in a childcare center and there was a young girl who wasn't allowed ANY sweets, not even juice. While I was cleaning up the mess from a Bday party another child had, that little girl was crawling under the table trying to eat the leftover cupcakes off the floor. It was so sad. :(

    So I promised self when I had kids I wouldn't restrict them because then they find alternative means to get what they want. I allow them to eat what they want and it's working; they don't ask for junk.
  • Tarah1357
    Tarah1357 Posts: 139 Member
    My 3 year old does not always eat what I eat. He has gotten very picky over time. He will eat a lot of the same foods I eat, aside from salad and veggies and he does love certain fruits. Usually if I know he won't eat what I'm eating, I'll make him something that's similar. I always offer it to him though. As far as snacks, pretty much everything in my house is 100 calorie or sugar free. I buy a lot of low fat/low sodium foods...all whole grain bread & pasta and he doesn't know the difference. He does love the occasional happy meal though! :)
  • callipygianchronicle
    I have a three-year-old who has always been a healthy eater. She loves fruit and vegetables. If I don’t stop her, she will eat an entire pint of blueberries or cherry tomatoes in a single sitting. We usually have small, but separate snacks and meals during the day (she grazes, I eat meals). But at dinner she receives a small portion of whatever I have prepared. The only exception is if we are having something particularly spicy, like tacos. Then I will usually give her an assortment of fruit, some yogurt, and some quick-nuked frozen mixed vegetables. We consider anything eaten after dinner to be a treat. Sometimes that treat is fruit or a piece of bread, sometimes it’s ice cream or candy. We talk often about sometimes foods and anytime foods (from Sesame Street) and she understands that we are more likely to agree to her snacking o an anytime food than a sometimes food.
  • Brighteyessd
    We keep a good range of healthy and junk in our house. I dont deprived them. I have serious weight issues due to being deprived as a child. My mom wouldnt even allow us to use salt because it was bad for us. I'm teaching my kids healthy eating habits by teaching them moderation techniques early. I do this so they have a healthy relationship with food. They know what junk food is and how too much of a "good thing" is bad. My 6 year old doesnt even like chocolate and when asked if she wants juice she prefers plain water.
    I wish I was taught to have a healthy relationship with food young. As a teenager I was the one sneaking super sized meals at McDonalds because I wanted too much to make up for not having it at all. Dessert was also used as a reward which seriously backfired too. "Eat all your dinner and you can have dessert". What mom failed to realize was that if I was full I should be using my body's cues to stop eating, not to continue to pack the food down JUST to get dessert in the end which was what I did. Anything for that dessert!
    Right now in order to lose weight I tend to deprive myself, then give into temptation and over indulge. One day I may figure it out but luckily my kids will learn it young.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    With both hands?

    We're trying to eat more like them (lots of vegetables, few sauces), though now trying to get more calorie dense foods into them. They're also very fond of bagels, something I'm trying to limit for myself. (And I drink WAY more coffee than they do!)
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I have much better choices for my children then myself, until recently. My 4 year old even got a funny sideways glance from an older woman in the grocery store one day when he asked if we could get more broccoli (he loves the stuff--I tolerate it). I do not deny them sweets. With that said, they rarely ask for them, so once in a while is fine. Just like for me, if I deny too long, then I gorge when I do eat it , so I take the same philosophy with them.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    A treat to my 19 month old is olives.
  • willows
    My daughter eats what I eat but I also know she is a growing toddler and I never discuss dieting or counting calories with her. I would like to think that she will develop life long healthy eating habits by following a good example set by me. That is part of the reason why we all do this right? For our health and to live longer fuller lives. This is what we want for our children also. It was also important to me to educate myself on what my children really need for their growing bodies. Their needs are very different from mine so i accommodate them.

    I only have healthy foods around the house. Fresh fruits and veggies especially and I rarely have "goodies" or "treats" around the house. Only for special occasions. I never used candy for potty training either. Kids get enough treats when they are with friends, daycare, preschool or birthday parties that I just don't feel like I should add to that at home.

    I think its easier to teach children the correct way to eat then it is for them as grown adults to have to learn for themselves.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I try my best to keep my kids on a balanced and healthy diet. Fruit, veggies, and protein at every meal. They don't eat junk food except on rare occasions and even that it might be 2 small cookies or tiny bowl of ice cream. A treat for my boys is a "Cookie" which is usually a graham cracker. I don't want them to learn to eat unhealthy like I did when I was a kid. Don't get me wrong they do get McDonald's occasionally but like I said not often and that's usually with Nana! What is great about feeding my kids like this is that they don't constantly hound me for cookies or ice cream or junk foods!!
  • southernlay_d
    They would eat with their hands, if I let them :oP