New Here!

Hey all!

I'm 25 years old, 5'6" tall and weigh 186 pounds. Ugh. I'm an avid runner (I'll running as long as the temperature is in the double digits... down to 10 degrees and up to 99!!), but for some reason it seems that the more I run the more I weigh. I've always struggled with eating and always have insane cravings for all sorts of food. My doctor recently recommended the book Stop Sugar Addiction Now! And I thought I'd give it a try... its going to be way different than I've ever eaten, but I think its going to help me in more areas that just my weight. Has anyone else read this book or done a similar program?


  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    welcome! finding the right pre/post run foods so that you feel content and are not eating all day is the trick. Good luck and log what you eat so you will start to see patterns like overeating on long run days, etc.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Have you ever considered clean eating? There's a lot of good info in Oxygen Magazine on clean eating, etc. I just started reading it, I picked up a special issue that's on the stands right now called Fat Loss.
  • SarahLiz24
    I've never heard of clean eating. If you have anymore info or a link to a website or something, I'd love to know more!