ameliashred Posts: 7
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    If you cant stop snacking then make sure your snacks are low cal and fit into your calorie count for the day, try
    rice cakes
    weight watchers strawberry smoothie ice cream bars (only 60 cals)
    I hope this helps
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    are you snacking because you're bored? if you are, it might help if you find something to do that keeps your hands busy. it's hard to snack if your hands are busy! :)
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    Yeah, "themommie" is totally right! You don't have to stop snacking... just make sure what you're snacking on is healthy. I love popcorn because, as long as you don't put butter on it, it's such a ridiculously delicious and low calorie snack! Fruit is good, veggies are ALWAYS good, and reaching out for whole grain products is the best way to go!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    pre-plan your snacks. i count out my chips/portions the night before and won't reach for the big bag all day. I have lock out times where i can't snack and when i have the snacking urge i drink water. also have healthy snacks. I can have pita chips and humus or string cheese and still stay on track
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    snack away on high fiber foods- veggies, beans, apples, pears, ect!
  • "Snacking" is not an option. You should have a healthy snack between each of your three meals each day. These should be mini-meals consisting of protien, fat, and carbs, consisting of a couple hundred calories each. Enjoy!
  • I think the best way of preventing the snacking urge is to plan for several smaller meals throughout the day. Try eating 6 to 7 times a day and still stay within calorie goal... lots of planning... but if it gets you past sacking and saving you all those extra calories...think about it
  • i have the same problem. try to eat more protien (nuts, etc.) and drink more water at meals, both of these help you feel full, chewing gum or making low-cal ice pops for in between meals helps too. wish you luck xx
  • Maybe you can work snacks in as planned eating, that way you don't feel like you are giving up by snacking and you can have more control over what you are eating. I tihnk part of this whole thing is learning to discipline yourself. That sounds pretty boring but it can be really rewarding.
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    dont buy the snacks, or keep them in the house :) cant eat them if they arent for while you're out if you're worried you'll want to snack, bring a healthy snack like a fruit bar/ special k bar, that kind of stuff so you wont be tempted to buy something bad for you. I JUST read a dr oz article on something he said.....cravings only usually last for 20 minutes, so make a deal with yourself and tell yourself that if you still want it in an hour that you'll allow yourself to have a little, but during that hour keep yourself busy; cleaning, exercising, etc. his articles are really helpful. here's the link so you can read for yourself.

    good luck
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Don't stop snacking, pick healthy snacks, it's one way to get to your 6 :"meals" a day.

    Depending on your calorie goal some of my go-to snacks are
    celery and peanut butter
    handful of almonds
    frozen grapes - they don't get rock hard like an ice-cube but will cool you down / slow down how fast you're eating them

    my snacks used to be handfuls of chocolate chips or marshmallows, bags of chips etc, just mindlessly eating, but I try to have a glass of water whenever I'm feeling like having a snack, sometimes its just thirst, sometimes I really am wanting something of substance.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Eat more at meal time. Have protien, carb, fibar and fat in evey meal.
  • good idea, thank you!
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