Pain question

smalltowngirl504 Posts: 183
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I have this pain on ...oh heck how to explain this... its in my ankle but on the inside of my leg..that side.. the bone just hurts for some reason...any thoughts on what it could be or what I should do... I mean I work out with it anyways.. but tonight it hurts more than usual, maybe ice or , or wear shoes to work out at home?


  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Doctor or Podiatrist. It obviously got worse.
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I had that kind of pain once, turned out to be a small fracture in one of the bones of my ankle. Go see someone who can check you out or send you for an x-ray, because it's better to catch it soon and fix it rather than hobble around on it until it gets worse.
  • lhuber1105
    lhuber1105 Posts: 72 Member
    I agree you should get it checked out. I am an xray tech and even the smallest fractures can cause alot of pain. If you get an xray make sure they have it read by a radiologist not just an ortho doc. May be a stress fx hard to see but you do need to rest them--they heal better and faster that way. Good Luck!!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    YES! wear workout shoes when exercising~ helps to protect your feet and ankles. Rest (lay off running, elip, treadmill, walking ect) , Ice (20 min every 2 hours) , Compression (ace wrap it if the pain is a 5 or greater on a 1-10 scale), Elevate. The tendons may have been pulled and can really smart, you might have twisted your ankle in a move and not have realized it at the time. But if the pain doesn't get better in a week of the above, go see a doctor.
    Get better soon and keep up the good work!
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