Funny story that may help improve your attitude.

TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
I've been losing weight slowly now for about 5 years, and I still have 225 pounds left to lose. I live in the midwest, and have bad asthma, and this makes it difficult to exercise in the winter. For about a year now, I've had my eye on getting a rowing machine, as I figure it is a low impact, full body work out that I can do inside the house in the winter. During the summer, I tend to exercise more because I'm active outdoors.

After researching various rowing machines, I finally purchased a machine from Lifecore last week, and was excited when it arrived at the house. I carefully assembled the machine, because I was worried about injuring myself putting the thing together. After all, I'm not in the best of shape yet. Got it assembled just fine. As I bent over to plug the machine into the wall, and give it the first ride, I pulled my back out last Thursday evening. I rowed on the machine for about three minutes, after I pulled my back out, and then crawled to my bed and laid on the heating pad. Now, after all these days, I believe my back is well enough that I can actually get on the machine again tomorrow.

Anyhow, I figured many of you might find a little humor in the situation. I not only found humor in it, but of course, even more motivation. Bottom line is, I'll have my wife or one of my kids plug the machine in later on so that I don't take on the "risky" behavior of plugging in the rowing machine, before I row my way to 225 pounds of weight loss.:blushing:


  • puggy82
    LOL Thanks for the giggle!! :laugh:
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    That is definitely something I would do. :tongue:
    Good luck on your rowing adventure! I have a friend who uses his regularly and loves it.