1/2 Marathon Training

JennBennett410 Posts: 229
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
So it's here...I am three months away from jogging/running/walking (I am a realist) my first half marathon. Any tips? Advice? Suggestions?
I am nervous but excited. I have an app for my phone which guides me, I have read Marthoning for Mortals...but I would love some personal advice. Anyone in training too? I would love a newbie marathoner buddy!


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    No advice...just wanted to say you are an INSPIRATION!!!!
  • Yes, rest plenty of rest before the mari. Drink water at every station. Take walking breaks early on. And while you are running, make sure to have only positive thoughts in your head!!! Good luck!
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Im doing my 1st half marathon in sept, I started a couch to 5 k running plan and when thats complete I'll do the running plan from here http://www.greatrun.org I've started training now as I'm determined to run the whole thing (a big ask considering im doing 6 minute interval runs at the minute and that hurts enough)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I've run/jogged/walked 7 half marathons and all I can tell you is to train hard, get some good rest days, drink lots of fluids (I highly recommend Powerade Zero), and I would try and find some type of "energy" thing you like. I LOVE the cherry energizing jelly beans. I'm not a fan of GU, but I will use it during my long runs (Triple or Tri Berry, not sure the name is a good one). Good luck to you on your running. Completing a half marathon is amazing!! Oh, one more piece of advice. For the first one, honestly, don't care about time. Care about finishing!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I kinda did my own training for my half, didn't follow it like I should have. But my first half is this Sunday! My stomach is in knots and I'm very nervous but excited
  • knelson422
    knelson422 Posts: 308 Member
    I am jogging a half marathon in April (I have done a half and a full previously). What I can say is that it really is 90% mental. Do a long run each week, and if you can do your long run, you can do the race. Also, just make it about finishing it the first time you do it. If you set a goal for a time, or not to walk, and you don't reach it - you will miss out on feeling so amazing about just completing it. Way to go, you will feel awesome when it is over. And - it is something you can apply to many other aspects of your life. I look at the long races I have done and I have learned a lot about endurance, positive attitude, etc. Good luck!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    If you haven't already got a decent training plan, Hal Higdon's novice plan is very good.

  • THANK YOU EVERYONE! I appreciate your responses!
  • Good luck! The first half marathon is all mental! Believe me I cursed myself all the way to the finishline! Don't worry about your time or pace. Wear clothing you are comfortable in and it doesn't chafe you! Lube up your feet and anywhere you think may have friction of any sort. Oh and don't foregt your sunscreen! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate ... pleanty of rest ... and eat a good meal the night before!
  • HayesSanborn
    HayesSanborn Posts: 34 Member
    Run lots and then run more. Mainly easy sometimes hard. You'll get there it just takes a long time to develop your aerobic base. My first half marathon was something like 2:12 and now I'm running 1:33. It doesn't happen over night.

    Just enjoy the experience, thank the volunteers when they help you.
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