How many type 1 diabetics are on here, let's get together an

Hey all, type 1 diabetic here on an insulin pump. I've had a lot of scale and non-scale victories over the last 7 months I've been on this lifestyle change, but I just got my labs this morning and my A1C has me frustrated.

I've been working with my nurse educator on coming up with a proper insulin regimen to handle all this extra exercise - long story short, my problem before was that I was feeding the insulin I was taking. I got my labs this morning and everything was great, cholestrol, HDL, LDL and everything else, but my Hemoglobin A1C went up to 8.8. The big problem I think is that my nurse had me slow down my bolus rate before exercise so I would have a high blood sugar going into my workout. My sugars would start out at 280 - 320 before the workout and because of the high intensity of the workouts (700 - 1000 calories per day) my blood sugar would drop to 140 - 180. The reason for this was that previously my blood sugar would crash to 50 - 60 during the middle of my workout, so I would have to stop and not continue.

I'm not really looking for a lot of advise, mostly because I trust my nurse and doctors to get me on the right path, but mostly looking for support from other active type 1 diabetics and see what you've gone through.