Ate like a pig, but was still under calories....

helenamonks Posts: 176
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Ok, so when I got home last night the ravenous monster that is a shadow of my former self came out and decided to eat freaking everthing in sight.

Was it boredom? IDK, but whatever it was, I'm hoping that I can keep that thing at bay. I know my journal said I was under my calories, but GD I did it entirely the wrong way!!!

I wish this thing could read my stuff and be like "Cow, seriously, you knew that it was too late to eat that crap"

Anyway. That's just me ranting.


  • i still do that from time to time if your hungry eat . I have noticed that the next few days i am not much worse for the wear . Just be good to yourself next time . I think when we are good sort to speak we can often fel deprived so just work out and start again . :flowerforyou:
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Sometimes I wish there was button that we could press that says "BADGIRLCHEATDAY". I did that Sunday at a mimosa brunch....I wrote down everything that went in my mouth and wrote down all the calories, would have been much easier if there was a "skip" button or something!
  • Sometimes I wish there was button that we could press that says "BADGIRLCHEATDAY". I did that Sunday at a mimosa brunch....I wrote down everything that went in my mouth and wrote down all the calories, would have been much easier if there was a "skip" button or something!

    Yeah, saturday, that was me, I normally only mess up like once every two weeks or so, saturday was a bridal shower and my husband took me to raising canes so i just did a 'quick add calories' for like a bazillion cals and wrote in my notes what I ate, for the sake of logging b/c i couldnt remember everything. It just seems like when I hit this amount of weight loss, i get too comfy...

    Yesterday i didnt eat anything BAD per se, but just a lot of my pre prepared food, which defeats the purpose and made me feel bad lol.

    Today's a new day though!
  • gerlach
    gerlach Posts: 3 Member
    Check out the "Twinkie Diet" that this professor did:
    He ate Twinkies or other junk food every 3 hours or so, but still kept his calorie count down and so he lost 27 pounds. The interesting thing is that his cholesterol and fat level decreased too.

    Of course, no one is saying that it's okay to eat junk all the time, but as long as your calorie count is down, you can lose weight and become healthier, even if you eat something "bad" every once in a while!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Sometimes we just need to be "bad" and eat lots :)
    Just so long as you don't give up and be "bad" all the time instead of "good".
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I did the same thing last night! I'm trying not to beat myself up but it's hard. I was under my calorie goal as well but you feel like you won't lose any weight eating so much food!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Oh, honey, you are not alone! My inner cave girl reared her ugly head for Valentine's Day last night, and the b*#%@ ate everything in sight! I just logged in about 1,500 "quick add" calories and called it a night. Just let it go as a bad day and get on with life.
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