exercise= energy= insomnia?

hello all.

i was just wondering, since i'm sure i'm not the ONLY person having issue with this, what are some tips or tricks that could be offered (other than a sleeping pill) to help me still be able to get to be d a reasonable hour?

for the past two weeks i have been getting a mere 2-5 hours of shut eye each night. so lately i've been trying to be done any/all exercise before 7:30pm which is difficult to do but i was hoping it would let me sleep. sadly it hasnt been working. if you've had experience with the energy boost from being really active how did you cope with it? even as a child i was always prone to insomnia anyway but i guess all this activity has my brain or my body going crazy.

i do yoga/pilates and meditate as well to try to keep my body/mind calm especially as it gets closer to bedtime.

sombody please help!

also, i'd just like to add that this is starting to affect my performance at work for obvious reasons. so it's pretty serious now.


  • kermode
    I had the same problem. Have you tried waking up earlier and doing your routine at the start of your day? I found it worked for me. I'm NOT a morning person so it was not easy getting up at 4am but I'm finding that as I go along it's getting easier and I'm getting alot of quality sleep now at night.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm the worst to help with this... I never get to sleep when I want to, and even then, I toss and turn a lot. (damn you, sleep apnea!) I know one of the key things is making sure not to exercise too close too bed time, because that WILL have you wired. Otherwise, you might try melatonin supplements. But I've heard some people who will constantly wake up every couple of hours using them. Knowing how important sleep is now, for a LOT of reasons, I really hope you're able to get some quality rest soon. :indifferent:
  • bahrainbel
    If you find a cure, please let me know, at the moment I am averaging 3 hours a night.

    Do you think meditation helps? I don't know if I would be able to take myself seriously, I am not very spiritual!
  • kareokemom5
    I would talk with your doctor or research on the internet. I know there are certain vitamins and minerals that you can get from certain foods to help with this. A little research or consultation with your doctor could provide you with the information and tools needed to help with this.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    Fellow insomniac here! What works for me is a combination of Zinc, Magnessium, Aspartate, and some slow relaxing music...lulls me right to sleep.
  • rockabyesarojane