Apology issued!



  • sherrywoody1
    Okay, I have to issue an apology because I have silently chuckled when I would see people post doing certain things as calorie burning. I would think: Lame! Shame on me for being judgmental ! Some things does count and from now on I am going to be putting them down. :D

    LOL, I see where you are coming from on this BUT (and there's always I but, I know) I am of the opinion that things you do everyday, and have done for years, like housework, gardening and walking the dog etc, don't count towards excersise. I feel that the only excersise that should count is excersise that is done over and above the normal work you do during a day. I think your body is used to the everday excersise that is done during the course of just carrying out everyday things and in order to make a difference you have to do EXTRA. It would be lovely to think that I could lose weight just cleaning, shopping, ironing and gardening etc., but trust me, in 51years it hasn't done a thing for me lol.

    Carolyne2, I am just on the verge of being 54 and I agree. I wore my heart rate monitor one whole day and burned unreal calories just doing an average day of housework, shopping, laundry, etc and it does not net me anymore weight loss. ...
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    I am sure I will be hung for posting this by all of you workout police, but seriously? Everyone’s journey is different and I really don't see how any of you can criticize someone else’s efforts. You don't know their story and if they feel the need to claim workouts that you don’t consider "working out" who cares? Leave them be. And I am sure that cleaning house and window shopping burns more calories than sitting on your bottom. If you choose to not log it fine, but don't belittle those who do. We are all here for support, not to be knocked down and told our efforts are worthless.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I do not count any of those things as exercise as far as I'm concerned they are everyday things and have already been factored into the equation when you logged how active you were eg sedentary, light exercise etc.
  • sherrywoody1
    I am sure I will be hung for posting this by all of you workout police, but seriously? Everyone’s journey is different and I really don't see how any of you can criticize someone else’s efforts. You don't know their story and if they feel the need to claim workouts that you don’t consider "working out" who cares? Leave them be. And I am sure that cleaning house and window shopping burns more calories than sitting on your bottom. If you choose to not log it fine, but don't belittle those who do. We are all here for support, not to be knocked down and told our efforts are worthless.

    Turnerj13, That's why I posted, it is amazing how many calories are burned doing different things, I am sure no one meant offense.
  • sherrywoody1
    I do not count any of those things as exercise as far as I'm concerned they are everyday things and have already been factored into the equation when you logged how active you were eg sedentary, light exercise etc.

    Mads1917, I was not quite sure on what net calories exactly were but I think that is calories burned just being alive and breathing. I am realizing anything else you do is a plus.... now if my body would catch on because I am a moving around, on the go person.
  • lwillenborg
    ****Hitting the Like button for Julie*****:tongue:
    I count every little thing I do when I get home because I count every single thing that goes into my mouth, therefore should count every step I take and move I make. This makes me aware of what I need to work on.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    ****Hitting the Like button for Julie*****:tongue:
    I count every little thing I do when I get home because I count every single thing that goes into my mouth, therefore should count every step I take and move I make. This makes me aware of what I need to work on.

    This is kind of my philosophy. I have my activity level set to "sedentary." So the times that I'm not sedentary, I count it, and it doesn't matter what I'm doing: vacuuming, washing the floor, whatever. If it's more than 10 minutes and I'm actually moving (as in, not just folding laundry), I count it. If I had my activity level set higher, I probably wouldn't. But since I AM sedentary, and since I need motivation to not BE sedentary, I log everything. It helps. And clearly it's working, because I'm still losing.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    You can count whatever you want. There really aren't any rules to this.

    What's the main thing here? Are you seeing results. If you are. Good, keep doing what you're doing till it stops...and it will.

    If it's not, make some changes. Weather that means becoming more strict on what you count? That's up to you.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    If you count your activity as light or medium it's factored in on doing your profile then you count it again as exercise. It might explain why some are not seeing the results they think they should be getting for all the "exercise" they do.

    I am set to sedentary and don't count any of it.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Attention shoppers: Window shopping is not a workout.

    But... but... but... what if those jeans in the window raise my heart rate??? Can I count it then??? :tongue: :laugh:

    Backinthenines, LOL! Right! Besides, think of all the happy endorphins it releases into our bodies...that's got to count for something!

    Well in that case, next time I go shoe shopping I'll wear my HRM!! :bigsmile:
  • thirks
    Attention shoppers: Window shopping is not a workout.

    But... but... but... what if those jeans in the window raise my heart rate??? Can I count it then??? :tongue: :laugh:

    Ooh of course!!!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    HEY! I'm panting and sweating and my heart is racing at 3 miles an hour...slow? yes leisure? NO! lol