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fell off the wagon for a few days!

Uhh! fell off the diet train for the past 3 days (too many chocolates yesterday!) Drinks, fried food & sweets took me down and up 2 pounds! Trying to get back on track today, need some motivation for sure. Anyone else find that one bad weekend can bring down one good week sometimes?


  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Ditto. Same here, lets say for the past month I've been dealing with some issues but when I start noticing the clothes get tighter I begin to panic.

    I need to get off eating out mode & back to exercise & healthy eating. Let's do this!!!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    im sure you will bounce back stronger tho, and next time maybe you will say 'no thanks' or 'just one '
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    I used to reward myself on the weekends with bad food choices for doing so good during the week but I had to stop that becase I would have to work off the pound or so I gained and then my weight loss was really slow. Now I just set mini goals and reward myself everyonce in a while but since I've been so good I feel guilty if I do so it will work out in the end!!
  • It's such a slippery slope. If I do bad for one meal, then it just seems to multiply and take over a whole week or more sometimes. I have been doing fast food here lately for convenience and time and can't seem to break the cycle. I'm doing well so far today, but worried about dinner because I have class all day, will be picking up kids and visiting my mom in the hospital afterward, and not sure i will have time or energy to cook...i'm running on only a few hours of sleep also. hoping i can get back on that wagon asap and hope you do too!
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 92 Member
    I'm right there with ya! I told myself yesterday "today we start again" well that was before the meatball sub for dinner and chocolate after. So TODAY I start again - already got 3 glasses of water in and am enjoying my Danon Light.
    Our weather is going to be gross the next few days so I made plans to use the treadmill at work during lunch.
  • harlay
    harlay Posts: 4 Member
    You are not alone! It happens to me alot. My big problem is sodium. I'll do good, then mess myself up with too much sodium, and I end up gaining 1-2 pounds in a day or two. Then I try to drown myself with water, water and more water to ofset the sodium. But I do get back on track....so I know you can too! Good luck!
  • It was a crazy eating it up weekend for me too. But we can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I spent the first 6 months on MFP not losing a pound. Well, let me clarify . . . I would do great weekdays, packing healthy lunches and maintaining my calories and exercise and would typically lose my 2 pounds that week . . . then the weekend would roll around and a few bad choices and maybe a beer or two later . . . . basically every Monday morning I would weight exactly the same weight as the previous Monday. Every weekend I would completely undo all my hard work over the week.
    Finally after 6 months of this I "woke up" one day and realized that I was an idiot (ha ha). I have had great results since I decided to maintain my dedication throughout the entire week!
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member

    I pretty much had to "cheat" for the last couple days, dealing with entertaining guests plus the Valentine's nonsense. I mean, a little chocolate never hurt noone, but I was subjected to hosting some restaurant dinners, wining/dining, and then had the holiday stuff directly after, meaning I gained a few lbs very quickly.

    Back on track today, except I am not, because everything is conspiring against me eating anything at all, let alone eating healthy. Time to force myself to get a protein shake going or something!
  • nickyb632
    nickyb632 Posts: 98 Member
    I know what you mean, usually i will "reward" myself when i've burned a lot of calories and it doesn't make much of a difference.
  • :sad: yep! I've been whining for the last 2 days about just the same thing.....and trying to figure out why it take soooooo long to get good results but the bad results seem to pop up over night!!! I feel your pain Friend!! I need to find a way to deadbolt myself to that darned wagon!!! :laugh: Hang in there - we can get back on track!!!

  • Tracey1234
    Tracey1234 Posts: 18 Member
    It happens to all of us. The key is getting back on track. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • nickyb632
    nickyb632 Posts: 98 Member
    You guys are right we can all get back on track! I'm feeling good about this & about my day so far!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Urgh I had this problem last week. 2 bad days (one was absolutely terrible) and it messed up the whole week to the equivalent of that i'd gone majorly over every day :( I usually keep a log of how well I've done each day in the week so I can monitor how well I did overall as some days I go over, it's nice to know when it didn't set me back much, and I can keep track of my weekly deficit too.

    I just try and think of everything like a new day, new start. You can't give up completely, or you'll never get where you want to be, just got to keep on trying until you get it right, like alot of things really :)
  • I hear you! I started off very motivated ...until Valentine yummies entered my day! I held off for a while and then five head first into the calories! I was so down last night and disappointed to say the least. The best thing I have for those like us is well at least we are back on here today! That is a step in the right direction and if you are like me that one step in the right directiong is zip lot better than a mile in the wrong direction I would have done before finding this site. Hang in there, motivation will find ya again!
  • Smokenmirrors
    Smokenmirrors Posts: 71 Member
    Here...Here's a hand back up on the wagon... Take your seats everyone.....STAY WITH IT
  • Smokenmirrors
    Smokenmirrors Posts: 71 Member
    Dont give up now.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I gave myself no Cheat meals until I get down to 130lbs. I'm only 17lbs. away from that goal. Feelin' great while I'm doin' it. I'm very hard on myself - why eat that crap when its only goin' to get me in a few days. Self - Accountability has worked for me :laugh: I wish everyone a successful day. xo
  • Yes I know that feeling, I have a week to be proud of, then blow it on the weekend. Holiday weekends are tough. I even did well yesterday most of the day, but had a cookie and chocolate binge at the end of the day. Mad at myself this morning. The trick for me is not letting a bad weekend extend into a bad week. Today is off to a good start, of course it is still early, but the point is to get back on track fast.
  • Sorry for typos! Posted that with swype on cell phone!