Hi Everyone...Time to get crackin'!

Hello, My name is Hilda. I'm 27 years old and I have 2 kids. My oldest is 3 and my youngest is 18 months! They are 20 months apart, so needless to say I'm busy! :) Hubby and I are doing this together. He's not on this site (yet) but maybe soon. We just started yesterday and so far it's going OK. It's tough after working a full day and getting home and having to figure out a "healthy" dinner. I really need to start meal planning. We are planning on buying some bicycles and a trailer for the little ones so we can get some workouts in.... My long term goal is 50lbs. But I have a short term goal of 17lbs by Easter. Here we go!!!!


  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    Hey wlc. I am also a mother of two; one three and 2 month old. I wish my hubby would join me but I'm glad he doesn't buy much junk,lol. Yes, I think making a family outgoing is fun and a wonderful way to get some exercise! I am also new and add me if you like.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    Mom of 4 here, 18, 15, 13, and 5. I've been where you both are! I've been on here for 35 days now and have lost 10 pounds. This is a great site. Feel free to add me if you'd like and we can support eachother! Good luck.
  • ethanajs
    Studies have shown that it takes up to 21 days for something to become a routine. I myself started MyFitnessPal about 80 days ago, I know this because I've logged in for 70 days in a row! Use FitnessPal to help you make the right choices, not to lose the weight for you. I was 151 when I started (Not "overweight" by any standards) but I still want to be lighter. So here I am 2 and a half months later and I'm already 141. The key is to follow your calorie intake very strictly, and exercise at least 4-5 days a week, 6 if you can! I know I could be in the upper 130's by now but it took a few weeks to recover from strep-throat, the good thing that came out of it was lack of appetite resulting in no weight gain. Anyways I'm getting off track now but the key here is to use this application to help you make the right choices when considering food and drinks. Don't cheat yourself and don't tell yourself "tomorrow will be different". Make the right choices from the very start and trust me, you will feel a lot better when the weight starts coming off. But remember, a healthy diet alone will not help you lose those 50 lbs, exercise is very important to weight loss and an overall healthier you!

    My final bit of advice is to start replacing any soda or high in sugar juices with water and "diet" juices, such as Lipton's Diet Green Tea. They may seem awkward as first but you won't be able to tell the difference in about a week. And if you really find it hard to kick soda, like myself, switch to diet or zero calorie sodas. Don't listen to those idiots ranting on about diet soda being linked to health problems due to artificial sweeteners. If artificial sweeteners are approved in over 128 countries, then it should be obvious they are safe for average consumption.

    And lastly, GOOD LUCK!
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    hey there,
    first off welcome to the site, awsome to see a husband and wife working together on a healthy lifestyle. i myself am a single father of 2 children ( boy age 10 and daughter age 13) which live with me, and working in construction. i can understand how busy things can be. you have come to the right place to get all the help and answers to your questions that you will ever need, we are all here for the same reason, help, tracking and support !!! feel free to ask questions, someone here will have an answer for you.
    Best Wishes On Your Healthy LifeStyle
