Having a BAD DAY :(

Well I resisted for as long as I could but I def just had a mini binge :( I ate 4 Sugar Cookies and a pack of Little Debbie Peanut Butter thingy's! I feel like crap and now I have no more calories for the day. Not sure if I will be able to exercise because hubby has to work late. Damn TOM had to ruin my good work! Feeling really icky and down right now! :frown: :brokenheart:


  • in_it_2_win_it
    whats TOM
  • cassandra77
    whats TOM

    Time Of Month
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Make something healthy when you get home and try to do little things, like take the stairs, walk in place during commercials while watching TV-- It's still early enough that the whole day doesnt have to be a wash.
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    It happens...especially during TOM. I just went on a 3-day binge with my last time. Don't sweat it, pick yourself up and start over. Eat healthy the rest of today, don't worry about what you have already eaten. The past is the past don't let it direct your future. Hugs coming your way!!!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    my TOM craving is salt; pretzels, salami, and shall i admit : A N C H O V I E S !!

    ha ha, I just c-blocked myself... :ohwell:
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I've put myself in a similar spot, only the reason I didn't exercise is that I had a plumbing emergency @ my house last night/this morning, so I *could* have worked out, but I couldn't have showered before work, which would just be gross, so I skipped it today. My snacking was also more than I intended too. I'm planning to eat veggies & salad for dinner, and just try to drink more water & chew gum to pass any cravings.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    It happens, just put it behind you and do better tomorrow.
    Don't think about it, go about your day eat a healthy diner and start from fresh tomorrow.
  • sherri31
    Dont feel bad. If it makes you feel any better i was so grumpy from sitting in traffic this morning and the cold weather i got pissed off and went to mcdonalds for a mcmuffin and coffee. i also dont have much left for calories. Keep your chin up and know tommorrow is a new day:flowerforyou:
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    Don't get down on yourself. If it was so easy, there would be no website to help. Eat a healthy dinner and start again tomorrow.
    If you can , go for a walk or do a minnie workout at home. Both burn calories and you will feel great.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    It happens don't let it get you too down. Just have a better day tomorrow! I get bad salt and pb cravings during mine. So difficult, but it happens, don't fret! You'll be just fine :)
  • cassandra77
    Thank you everyone for the support! Not sure why I do this to myself... I could feel it coming on but I was powerless to stop it. I am trying so hard that I just hope it doesn't set me too far back!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I totally understand the whole TOM thing because I am having the same problem now. My chocolate craving is kicking in horribly. It is ok, don't beat yourself up. We all slip sometimes. It is ok to have an off day. Just wake up tomorrow with a new outlook and a new day. Do the best you can today!! Walk in place if you can to help get off some of the calories, but it is ok. Tomorrow is another day!!!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Well I resisted for as long as I could but I def just had a mini binge :( I ate 4 Sugar Cookies and a pack of Little Debbie Peanut Butter thingy's! I feel like crap and now I have no more calories for the day. Not sure if I will be able to exercise because hubby has to work late. Damn TOM had to ruin my good work! Feeling really icky and down right now! :frown: :brokenheart:

    Well we all have those WEEKS...I've had a partial hysterectomy so I still have all the PMS systems...so this weekend/week has not been the best, but just know this too shall pass. Try to make some healthier choices tomorrow and the rest of the week and you want even feel the effects of one bad day...I'm sure after 18 lbs down you want give him...you'll pick yourself back up and just know that is behind you for a few weeks...:love:
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Pick yourself up! Dust yourself off! Don't blame your period for your weakness...Self - control for next time when you feel like a mini binge...or perhaps next time eat some cut up veggies so you won't feel to guilty about it....Best wishes...xo
  • cassandra77
    Pick yourself up! Dust yourself off! Don't blame your period for your weakness...Self - control for next time when you feel like a mini binge...or perhaps next time eat some cut up veggies so you won't feel to guilty about it....Best wishes...xo

    Not blaiming my period for my weakness I am blaming it for the cravings but thanks for the encouragement.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    Just eat a lighter dinner and workout if you can and move on from it.

    However, don't forget about this. Next time you feel like you want to binge on junky stuff, remember this day and remember how bad you felt after you ate these foods. This is what helped me amp up my self control in general, but especially around junk foods.

    Trust me, next time this happens and you fight it off successfully you will be so proud of yourself. And that feeling much more powerful and long lasting than what you get out of eating cookies and cakes.
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    I hear ya. TOM here too! :( and its treat week at my job, I did so well yesterday with not eating to many (chocolate covered pretzels) but today I just felt like I couldnt stop! :( oh well tomorrow is a new day!
  • jodie1306
    It's all good. Bad habits which have taken a long time to develop will take a while to break. As you can see from the comments, we are all very guilty of succumbing to our cravings. The best thing to come of this "tragedy" is that not only have you admitted that you have fallen but you realise what you've done & next time, whether your realise it now or not, you will be more aware.

    Keep you chin up, you've kicked yourself in the butt, now let's do this :-) :-) :-)
  • chaugberg
    chaugberg Posts: 34 Member
    Don't feel bad. I went over my calorie intake by 500 today and it's not even my TOM. Damn pizza parties at work. I just made up for it at dinner and worked out hardcore. I'm still 54 over but I guess that's not so bad.
  • cassandra77
    Thanks so much for the support guys... it really helped pull me through. Today is a new day and it has been great so far! Loveee this site!