Rash around the mouth?



  • Cudders
    None of us here are a valid replacement for medical advice in person. March back to that doctor of yours and say "NOW WHAT??" If it's perioral dermatitis for example you'll need a prescription to clear it. And then slap that silly doctor on the way out for the lazy advice of let it play out.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Definitely seek medical advice! Like Cudders said, we're not drs. We can only try to relate and offer opinions.

    That said, I was in your position a few weeks ago. My dr. asked if I licked my lips a lot. Yep...it's freaking Winter in Indy! Duh! She asked what I used for balm...Burt's Bees.
    Essentially, I gave myself a "yeast infection/thrush." She prescribed an ointment and told me to use Chap-Stick.

    It's gone and I feel better. Although, I will go back to my Burt's Bees because I can't stand the greasy stuff Chap-Stick is.

    Go to a dr. and watch licking your lips.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Thanks to all who've answered, but for MY SAKE, let's please stop conjecturing. I actually asked for advice from people who've experienced a dry burn after working out and not for conjecture about STDs, etc.

    I don't think anyone was trying to upset you - they were just giving honest suggestions. How would anyone know that you're in a monogamous relationship with someone who is regularly tested for STDs? That information wasn't included in your original post.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    None of us here are a valid replacement for medical advice in person. March back to that doctor of yours and say "NOW WHAT??" If it's perioral dermatitis for example you'll need a prescription to clear it. And then slap that silly doctor on the way out for the lazy advice of let it play out.


    I have a latex allergy, which was mis-diagnosed as somethingorother dermititus. The doctor finally figured it out when I went into shock from all the prodding with latex gloves.
  • mapinkerton
    It happens to me in the winter also - red, slightly raised, irritated. Keeping my face clean and putting Neosporin on it generally clears it up in a couple of days.
  • mapinkerton
    I forgot to say it burns too.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Cream. That's hard to spell. I like the Soft Lips too, it isn't as shiny as some other products.