Hrm vs machines (actual calorie burn)



  • chantalicious
    Can I hijack this post and ask a question?

    I have just bought a HRM and burned 300 cals in a 37 min workout. Should I be deducting the number of cals I would have burnt had I been resting for that time? e.g. so that I'm only entering EXTRA cals burnt?

    And if so, shall I just wear it for an hour to get an idea of a resting burn rate?

    Thanks in advance for any help :o)

    Find your resting heart rate as soon as you wake up. You can do this by counting your pulse for one minute while still in bed. You may average your heart rate over three mornings to obtain your average resting heart rate (RHR). Add the three readings together, and divide that number by three to get the RHR. For example,

    (62 + 65 + 63) / 3= 63.
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    2Find your maximum heart rate and heart rate reserve.

    Subtract your age from 220. This is your maximum heart rate (HRmax). For example, the HRmax for a 24-year-old would be

    220 - 55 = 165.
    Subtract your RHR from your HRmax. This is your heart rate reserve (HRmaxRESERVE). For example,

    HRmaxRESERVE = 165 - 63 = 102
    3Calculate the lower limit of your THR. Figure 60% of the HRmaxRESERVE (multiply by 0.6) and add your RHR to the answer. For example,

    (99 * 0.6) + 63 = 122.4Calculate the upper limit of your THR. Figure 80% of the HRmaxRESERVE (multiply by 0.8) and add your RHR to the answer. For example,

    (132 * 0.8) + 63 = 168.5Combine the values obtained in steps 3 and 4 and divide by the number 2. For example,

    (122 + 168) / 2 = 145 (You can get the same result by simply multiplying HRmaxRESERVE by 0.7 and adding to it RHR).
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  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    my HRM does the opposite. It says I burn more than the machine does.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks to everyone!