Tips needed

So I have been going at this for 2 weeks now and am happy to say my pants are fitting loser :) My question is, what should I do to make sure that everything will be toned and not undefined? I still have a long way to go in losing fat so I am assuming that cellulite will be the last thing to go away? Am I right? What can I do about the ugly cottage cheese skin that has seemingly took residence on my legs ever since I had a child.

Thank you


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    The only thing that gets rid of fat is cardio. I recommend running! Of course, there are many options, but that one has finally worked for me! Make sure you strength train two or three times a week as well, it will really help you slim down as well! Good luck!
  • lilcrittert
    I've been using a skin brush.....check out for more info. Supposed to be a great thing for cellulite. I know it's made a difference in my skin tone....for sure.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Strength training will help build muscle, which will help burn more fat,
  • sarcastje
    sarcastje Posts: 34 Member
    thank you. I definitely will
  • SeaShell33
    I do bikram yoga and it definitely keeps everything toned, plus I burn about 1200 cals in a 90 min class. If the hot yoga doesnt appeal to you any yoga helps tone :happy: