Book worms ...

AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
So book worms tell me what exercises can you do while exercising? I love to read and have been known to jump on the treadmill with a good book in my hand. Easy does it, no way I can sprint and keep my place.

Am I the only one or do we have other book lovers here killing a mocking bird and cardio at the same time? Share your tips please! :)


  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member, headphones, an iPod, and a long stretch of road...
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I save my reading for when I'm in the tub after a hard work out. Gotta help relax those muscles some how, lol. I rarely shower as it doesn't get the heat into the muscles as well as a bath does, and I figure, I may as well read a few chapters of a good book.
  • I'm with TMOA... reading in the tub after a long day is my favourite treat!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I don't think I could hold a book and walk at the same time without falling off LOL. If it was an audiobook, I'd be on there for a while. But I don't have any. But now I do have a question. Is there any possible way to convert an AVI file to an MP3 file? I recorded something and I'd really like to listen to it on my mp3. An answer would be gladly recieved. :)
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I don't think I could hold a book and walk at the same time without falling off LOL. If it was an audiobook, I'd be on there for a while. But I don't have any. But now I do have a question. Is there any possible way to convert an AVI file to an MP3 file? I recorded something and I'd really like to listen to it on my mp3. An answer would be gladly recieved. :)

    Have a google for converters. might have one. There's usually a converter for everything :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Have a google for converters. might have one. There's usually a converter for everything :)
    Thanks. I'll look into it.
  • How about reading on a stationary bike? It was a way for me to fit in time to study and work out when I was in college.
  • Traveling Classics App on Droid. Many classic, public domain, works available free.
    Library has audio books, add to computer, put on Droid/ipod, and go.
  • eshyay
    eshyay Posts: 18
    I can read whilst riding a stationary bike, however this makes me focus on the book rather than on my exercise. I like to really push myself when working out so I never read whilst exercising.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I agree that i like listening to something rather than reading as i find it distracts me from my workout. But if it works for you fantastic :) I think i'm going to start downloading podcasts to teach myself spanish, only thing is i can't say the words out loud!
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