Hopefully this is my last beginning!

Hello everyone!

My name is Michael, I've had MFP for about 2 months now, but haven't been sticking with it. I KNOW that it will work if I just DO IT, but I've been lacking the motivation.

I graduated HS in 2007 and weighed ~220 lbs (I'm 5'11"), went to college, dropped 45 pounds my freshmen year (go me!), and then slowlyyy started gaining back up to 200 (dangit!), but I'm back down to 185-190 now, depending on the day. And I'm stuck here. My end goal is 170. Right now, I'm just trying to reach 180.

My biggest problem is definitely eating right. I've been trying my hardest to eat healthy, but being a poor college student with ZERO cooking ability (thanks, mom!) really makes it hard. (Pizza is my BEST FRIEND and my WORST ENEMY. Mmm, pizza...)

I can bike 15 miles or run 7 when I put my mind to it. I'd like to get both of those up, and do them both more consistently.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any tips, motivation, a hello, a friend request, or whatever else you have! For now, I'm going to go hide all the Valentine's Day candy my boyfriend got me. :brokenheart:

- Michael


  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Welcome to MFP it is such a great site and just tracking what you eat will make it so easy to determine what changes to make. Just start small and the weight will come off. Feel free to friend me :-D