Help with choice from food database please?

Hi all

Please can you help, we will be having fish & chips for tea tonight after 1.5hr horse riding session (I know, we shouldn't but it's the only time we have takeaway). I am trying to complete my food diary but I'm not sure what item to choose from the database, as the calories vary wildley from 400-1400 depending on what you pick!!

As I am not "dieting" per se (I always think of that as short term) I will be changing a lot of eating habits but alternatively I am not going to berate or deprive myself of something I enjoy. I am making good choices elsewhere.

Fish & chips are listed under a variety of choices - generic, UK chippy, chip shop, etc etc. Which one should I choose???

Thank you if you can help!!


  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Try going to calorie king or another calorie counter on the internet and just take the average...its very difficult to calculate somthing like that, especially if you are eating out....
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    Try to find out if the place you get it from publishes their nutritional information maybe?
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    i put in "chip shop fish and chips" and got several listings the first said 450 cals i think i would go with that!
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    that sounds pretty low to be honest.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Depends as others have said where you eat..but I think 450 is wishful thinking for eat out/takeaway stuff..I would think 1000 is nearer the mark..but don't worry about it..just go for it, enjoy the meal then make tomorrow a good day off will never do anyone any harm.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    LOL I saw the 400-odd calorie one and thought "yippeee" - but I agree that it's probably wishful thinking!!! :)

    I will find one that's a bit more realistic and use that - I should be earning some calories back, as I've cycled to work this morning, will be cycling home and then horse riding. it's none of that looking elegant while the horse does all the work stuff, either - the horse does as little as possible while we get knackered!!!!!! LMAO!

    Thanks all!! :)
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    200g of chip shop chips are 478 calories on their own, I didnt look up fish but a plain dry fried fillet of haddock is 168 calories, add onto that a coating of batter and deep frying and you are going to hit the 1000 calorie mark for the whole lot easily I would have thought.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I usually pick the one with the highest calorific value just to be on the safe side