Rediscovering Me

ChocolateV Posts: 2
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone: this is my first day on this site I am truly rushing through it but as time goes on I will sit and dedicate more time to it because I know it's a tool to help me be a better me. I titled this one: Rediscovering Me because I've dedicated a majority of my life taking care of my children, being a single mother. Now that my children are "grown" and on their way to live their own lives I've taken a true opportunity to look at myself. I've really let myself go, I use to be sexy and pretty and a mom now I look like someone's overweight granny! Oh no! So getting back to me, the person I want to be not use to be because I am mature and smarter than I use to be. I just want this journey to be as smooth as possible and if any of you come across me and want to link up or have any advice for me feel free to let me know. I will post a picture this time next month, not feeling that right now. My goals are extreme but my dreams are extraordinary. God bless to everyone on this site and I pray you all supersede your goals. -V
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