Hey! I used to be hot!



  • hey and welcome. Just one point about how to get exercise done regularly, and in the morning. My tips (they might not work for you, but if they resonate with what keeps you from exercising, try them out):

    1. Download and install an internet blocker, and set it to block the internet until a certain time in the morning. For instance, if I go to sleep at 11 p.m., I can set my computer so that internet access is totally barred until 11 am. That when, when I wake up, I can't go check my email and then discover four hours later that I've been sitting and getting fatter the whole time.

    2. Don't try running right away, unless you really feel good about it. Set yourself a goal such as Week 1: walk for an hour 5 of 7 days. Week 2: walk for 1.15 hours 5 of 7 days. Week 3: walk for an hour, run for 15 minutes. Obviously vary this...the idea is just that by the time you get around to running, your body and mind are already used to jumping up and getting some exercise first thing in the morning. By week three -- long before, I bet -- you'll be itching to run!

  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow! Thank you SO MUCH EVERYONE! I can't believe this place. So amazing. You're all incredible and I'm about to go nuts with the friend requests.

    High fives all around! :)

  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    It's tough to get back into a routine of healthy eating and exercise, and it may sound strange, but seems like (at least for me) as a former athlete it's hard to stay motivated at times and you constantly question yourself like "How did I let myself get to this point!?"

    Being a former athlete though, you do have some tools tucked away in your brain that should give you a leg up...you already KNOW HOW to workout, just need to get out there and do it.

    This is my second go around with loosing close to or around 100lbs. I never should have let myself go the 2nd time, but excuses got in the way. I'm determined to never go back to this again. If the scale starts creeping up I need to catch it at 5-10lbs instead of 80-90!
  • aztohi, you can do it. Make sure that you add HawkeyeGuy to your friend list. He sounds like a great motivator. I know that I am certainly going to send him a friend request.
  • crysmiss86
    crysmiss86 Posts: 67 Member
    I love your topic heading. Good luck!
  • kelbel76
    kelbel76 Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you. You can do it!!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Wow! Thank you SO MUCH EVERYONE! I can't believe this place. So amazing. You're all incredible and I'm about to go nuts with the friend requests.

    High fives all around! :)


    I Love your enthusiasm! :)
  • Welcome, this is the place to come to get back to your hot self! Lots of tools and motivation from the members to get you back to where you belong. You've started already, just keep up the good work and remember set backs don't have to be the end unless we let them. Feel free to friend me if you'd like and good luck!
  • Good luck. Im just starting out here too!
    I think you'll do great - it sounds like you are motivated to make a change, and that's half the battle!
  • Good luck! You made me laugh with the TL;DR version that I've seen in many message boards I've frequented. I love working out in the morning. It kicks your butt at first but you start to love it after a little bit.

    I'll second this. The a.m. workout sets the tone for my day (and I really miss the run and stretching if I DON'T do it first thing!)
  • I am right there with you with the Vibrams!
  • Good luck, I think you have picked a great place, of people who are motivating. You seem to be well on your way!
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