BodyBugg/BodyMedia Fit Users

I just got a BodyMedia Fit and was wondering when everyone started their day. Do you track your calories from day to day at the time you go to bed till that time the next night? Like if I start wearing mine tonight at 11pm before I go to bed and then all day tomorrow and record all my info around 10:30 pm, that would be my calories for tomorrow. Or, do you put it on in the morning and wear it all day and night, then remove it when you wake up and that would be the previous days? I think I'm making this more confusing than it needs to be lol



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Im dying to hear the responses -- if anyone wants to tell me more about it I would be grateful.
    I would think to sync it in the morning and then put it on again would make the most sense!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I thought that too but then, that would be like the previous day calories and then my workouts would all be like a day late, does that make sense? I almost think it'd be better to do it at night because its almost midnight and then that's your calories for that whole day rather than half of one and half of another, to be more accurate with the date anyway.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I track morning to morning. That way, if I wake up in the middle of the night starving, I add that to the previous day's food. Others do it bedtime to bedtime. It's completely up to you.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I thought that too but then, that would be like the previous day calories and then my workouts would all be like a day late, does that make sense? I almost think it'd be better to do it at night because its almost midnight and then that's your calories for that whole day rather than half of one and half of another, to be more accurate with the date anyway.

    Good point Courtney - maybe doing it as the last thing you do before you go to bed would be best I guess!... Gosh now you are making me want to buy one ... LOL!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I just got one too. By the time I had it charged and activated it was 3:00 yesterday. I wore it over night and then took it off this am when I got up and charged/synced it while I showered etc. I put it on before work. When I got to worked I tried to get my blue tooth working. That took a while and I got it to work but then it lost connection again. So I just rebooted/synced it all. If you have the bluetooth version they recommend you close the app when you are not using it (ie don't let screen black out on your phone while the app is up).

    I did log all my food yesterday but had worked out in am so that didn't get recorded, nor did very many steps or any other activity.

    I am very curious to wear it while I am working out today to see what the calorie burn is. The armband is a bit uncomfortable and I swear I can feel the sensors moving sometimes.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    If you download to your computer, it will divide the days for you. But, in short, it doesn't really matter as long as you do it the same time each day...
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys! Good to know they divide the days for you!

    I am thinking I am just going to start wearing it when I go to sleep tonight. I don't have the bluetooth version either, I'm too cheap lol.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    It felt goofy on when I first got it as well. But, after a week or so, I pretty much forget I'm wearing it. I charge mine when I'm in the shower, and have never had the battery go dead on me. Thought the BT connection is great sometimes, and other times you have to battle to get it to sync...
    I just got one too. By the time I had it charged and activated it was 3:00 yesterday. I wore it over night and then took it off this am when I got up and charged/synced it while I showered etc. I put it on before work. When I got to worked I tried to get my blue tooth working. That took a while and I got it to work but then it lost connection again. So I just rebooted/synced it all. If you have the bluetooth version they recommend you close the app when you are not using it (ie don't let screen black out on your phone while the app is up).

    I did log all my food yesterday but had worked out in am so that didn't get recorded, nor did very many steps or any other activity.

    I am very curious to wear it while I am working out today to see what the calorie burn is. The armband is a bit uncomfortable and I swear I can feel the sensors moving sometimes.
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    Bodymedia automatically calculates calories burned from 12 midnigt to 12 midnight. I track everything around that.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    How do you get the BlueTooth option?
    Does it sync to a phone?
    With the food log, can I just put in the total calories from MFP or do I have to put things in individually?
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    How do you get the BlueTooth option?
    Does it sync to a phone?
    With the food log, can I just put in the total calories from MFP or do I have to put things in individually?

    You have to order the bluetooth compatible one. Then yes it should sync to an iphone or android. I am not sure it is worth it - mine is not working AGAIN and I just reset it 5 minutes ago ARGH. I wanted to get instant feedback while working out though.

    You do have to enter your food on their website and hook the unit up to the computer to get calories consumed data to link to the unit and get the calories burned to be read by the computer from the unit. So yeah it is a little bit of work to input food into two spots.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    How do you get the BlueTooth option?
    Does it sync to a phone?
    With the food log, can I just put in the total calories from MFP or do I have to put things in individually?

    You actually don't have to log your food twice. I chose the option that says "Daily Estimate" and this is the description for that choice -

    Allows you to input your caloric intake total on a daily basis; it’s especially helpful if you record consumption details outside of the Activity Manager.

    You can just enter in the number of calories eaten that MFP says
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    How do you get the BlueTooth option?
    Does it sync to a phone?
    With the food log, can I just put in the total calories from MFP or do I have to put things in individually?

    You actually don't have to log your food twice. I chose the option that says "Daily Estimate" and this is the description for that choice -

    Allows you to input your caloric intake total on a daily basis; it’s especially helpful if you record consumption details outside of the Activity Manager.

    You can just enter in the number of calories eaten that MFP says

    Very nice Courtney - Thanks! I think I can be bothering to sync it to my computer at the end of the night, I already do this with my Nike Plus, and Garmin hehe!

    (grr cant spell when sick)
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    BodyBugg automatically does 12-12 when you put track with a computer.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I put mine on once I'm outta the shower in the morning, and then literally wear it the entire day until bed. It will calculate the normal 2 calories per min or whatever the norm is for when you're not active. I have my bed time set to midnight, and my wake time to 6:30am... even tho I hit the snooze a few times. lol
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I am very curious to wear it while I am working out today to see what the calorie burn is. The armband is a bit uncomfortable and I swear I can feel the sensors moving sometimes.

    I'll agree with this. Plus for me, I find it hard to properly place it. I dont have much of a tricep anymore to find that outside head (the one closest to your ribs. Plus I'm pretty sure I have an allergy toward the metal in the contact plates. And I might actually wear it a lil tighter than I should. lol *sigh*
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I sync my bodybugg just before dinner to see where I'm at, but I do the 12 midnight to 12 midnight for the "official" read. Since we are friends, you'll notice my post every morning saying my results from the day before. Since it calculates my total burn until midnight, I don't want to call it a day until it's really the next day. By now, I have a pretty good idea on what my burn will be depending on workouts and what else I've done during the day. Then I just log my food in the program througout the day and sync before dinner and I'll know if I need to eat a little less for dinner or a little more.

    You're going to love it!!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    You actually don't have to log your food twice. I chose the option that says "Daily Estimate" and this is the description for that choice -

    Allows you to input your caloric intake total on a daily basis; it’s especially helpful if you record consumption details outside of the Activity Manager.

    You can just enter in the number of calories eaten that MFP says

    Do you log in to I tried finding a general calorie add like the "quick add" on MFP, and couldnt. But I'm a bit slow sometimes.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I've been wondering how to reconcile date btwn my Bodymedia monitor vs MFP..and this thread just reminded me to put it back on lol.
    Btw- I leave mine on almost 24 hrs a day typically, just change the arms. I like to know how much sleep I'm getting etc. I guess I just adjusted to wearing it.
    Thanks for the info!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    You actually don't have to log your food twice. I chose the option that says "Daily Estimate" and this is the description for that choice -

    Allows you to input your caloric intake total on a daily basis; it’s especially helpful if you record consumption details outside of the Activity Manager.

    You can just enter in the number of calories eaten that MFP says

    Do you log in to I tried finding a general calorie add like the "quick add" on MFP, and couldnt. But I'm a bit slow sometimes.

    No, the site is But mine is the BodyMedia, not BodyBugg so they might be different in that aspect I guess.