Newbie calorie counter

bakerp90x Posts: 17
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all! I just started using myfitnespal a few weeks ago, but am just started to figure out all this wonderful site has to offer. Right now I'm trying to lower my calories and attempt to complete P90X.

Am looking for friends to keep me motivated to stay within my caloric limit (I'm not following the P90X diet plan, I'm just limiting my calories and trying to eat as cleanly as possible).

The more I realize what this site has to offer the more I am LOVING it. Would love some accountability to reach my weight-loss goals, so if you want to friend me, that would be fantastic.



  • Hi Karen! Welcome! I'm about to start the P90X workout as well. I am really looking foward to it. Good luck to you! Feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:
  • p90x is great, tough to get motivated some days,but great . you feel alot better when ur done
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