30 day shred question

I did the 30 day shred 1, which is ON DEMAND on Exercise TV...I liked it but can someone tell me what the dvd consists of....how many levels is in the 30 days, or how long is each level?


  • 8bitcake
    3 levels. Ideally if you're doing it 7 days a week, you should do each level for 10 days.
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    The DVD has three levels that follow the same basic pattern of level one: warm-up, 3 circuits of strength, cardio, and abs, and then a cooldown. There are a couple threads of groups that are doing this DVD now on here. The one I'm on is doing 10 days at each level for 30 days. Some are staying at level one until they master it though. Jillian Michaels says on the intro to the DVD that you stay at a level until your comfortable and then move on. I have found that 10 days prepared me sufficiently to move on to the next level.
  • kimballtracy
    3 levels...i got it at walmart for 10 bucks..i really like it..its about 30 minutes long and you do each level for 10 days or untillyou are ready to move on.
  • kimballtracy
    3 levels...i got it at walmart for 10 bucks..i really like it..its about 30 minutes long and you do each level for 10 days or untillyou are ready to move on.
  • kimballtracy
    really dont know how that posted twice...lol
  • steph_669
    steph_669 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the info. I getting the dvd tomorrow but I just wanted to know what I was getting myself into.
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    I have being doing on the on demand verison on ExerciseTV also and was wondering if it was the same as the DVD....I think it is but the on demand version does not have level 3 but im not sure...I may just purchase the DVD tough.