More excuses, I know, I know...

Ugh....I hate cooking and quite frankly, I don't really know how....sad isn't it? I don't get home from work until 6ish and I have a two year old who is always ready to eat as soon as we get home, so I just do something easy like mac n cheese or (even worse) I pick something up. Not only am I eating horribly, I am teaching my kids bad eating habits. I am just venting I guess. I WILL START EATING BETTER, MY FAMILY WILL START EATING BETTER!! I know I can do this. Anyone recommend any sites with easy, healthy meal ideas? :embarassed:


  • ambermichk
    ambermichk Posts: 108 Member
    one word,.... crock pot !!
  • kimballtracy
  • jcat83
    jcat83 Posts: 10
  • mapnerd2005
    Instead of mac and cheese, why don't you make a healthy version of spaghetti using whole-wheat noodles (like healthy harvest) and a jar of sauce (I recommend Classico Fire-roasted tomatos and garlic - 50 cal per serving and the best tasting IMO). It takes the same amount of time as making mac and cheese and is a whole lot better for you. Some brands of store-bought sauce even have veggies other than tomatos hidden in them, just try to find the ones lowest in sugar and sodium.
  • southernlay_d
    Pick a couple of healthy recipes and follow them. Cook on the weekend. When you get home in the evenings, you will have food already prepared ;)
  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    I like, I also just google low calorie recipes. There are tons of options out there. Also you could go to the library and take out cookbooks. I do this and it's easy and lets me try different books. Good luck!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I must agree the crock pot is a lifesaver... casseroles are great too. Check out the Cook Yourself Thin recipes they post online... they take stuff you already love to eat and make it healthier. They have a GREAT casserole with pasta, cheese and broccoli! :)
  • HawkeyeGuy
    You're starts with whoever is making the food. My little one crashes at around 7:30, and THEN I make dinner...but not for that night, for the next night. Prep all your ingredients from a site like for a recipe. Then when you come's almost as easy as Mac n Cheese! Then repeat!
    Ugh....I hate cooking and quite frankly, I don't really know how....sad isn't it? I don't get home from work until 6ish and I have a two year old who is always ready to eat as soon as we get home, so I just do something easy like mac n cheese or (even worse) I pick something up. Not only am I eating horribly, I am teaching my kids bad eating habits. I am just venting I guess. I WILL START EATING BETTER, MY FAMILY WILL START EATING BETTER!! I know I can do this. Anyone recommend any sites with easy, healthy meal ideas? :embarassed:
  • mixmastermolly
    I do a lot of crockpot recipes. That way when my son and I get home it's ready to go. It's also nice because it makes a large pot and then we can refrigerate or freeze some for days when we need something quick. A lot of cookbooks and recipes online will give prep time and cooking time. Just look for some that only take 30 minutes. I also try to plan my day at least one day in advance. Sometimes if the dinner requires chopping a lot of veggies or something then I will do that the night before and put it in a ziploc to get dinner on the table a lot faster the next day.
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    Options (that's ready set eat). Not all the recipes are healthy, but they are all 30 minutes or less and all list nutrition information. The maple mustard pork with sweet potatoes was fabulous!
  • ktblueyz
    I am in a similar situation. I have 2 kids and am a single mom. we get home about 6:30 and the kids are always hungry. I give them a snack in the car when I pick them up after work (about 6) usually its sliced fruit or a banana. that holds them over till dinner is ready after 7. I usually just throw chk breast, frozen corn/peas in a lil water and let them simmer together for 10-`15 minutes and dinner is ready just like that. we usually dont eat rice/noodles with it because i try to avoid carbs, but sometimes i boil some on the side just for the kids. its pretty simple and dinner usually never takes me more than 20 minutes to make. it might take a few days to get in the habit of making dinner, but once you make it a priority you will fell better about it and be healthier too. good luck! ....btw mac-n-cheese is a huge temptation of mine but its deff a guilty pleasure!
  • rvice2
    rvice2 Posts: 132 Member
    I get home late as well, but I found something that has worked wonders for me (although a bit on the crazy side). On Sunday, I cook what I will be eating for the whole week and I portion it into ziplock containers and pop it in the fridge. For instance, I cooked chicken vegetable soup that I will be having for lunch each day and I fixed grilled peppercorn chicken so that I have chicken already cooked for my wraps in the evening. I started by using a simple ingredient cookbook and swapped out bad ingredients for healthier choices. Making it on Sunday has worked miracles for me as there is NO guessing as to what I will be eating for any of my meals. I just have to pop it in the microwave! Usually I fix something that can be cooked in the crock pot so I don't spend the entire day Sunday cooking, but I can usually get everything done for the whole week in 1-2 hours.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    one word,.... crock pot !!

    took the letters right out of my finger tips! On top of this, make enough for multiple meals and then all you have to do is throw left overs in the microwave.
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    I LOVE! Also one thing that I have found that saves tons of time is to do a tiny bit of prep work the night before. Brown your hamburger, cut your veggies, get any meat you need out of the freezer and what not. Sometimes I'll throw together a casserole the night before and just pop it in the oven when I get home. Another good thing is that if you do some things the night before, your less likely to stop and pick something up. Like, I may be feeling lazy and want to stop, but I'll think to myself, well, I already have that chicken unthawed or that casserole in the fridge. Also, if you don't mind leftovers, make whatever in large enough quantities that you can eat it a couple times per week. Or brown enough hamburger or chicken to use for two meals. Sometimes I will roast a chicken on Sunday, to eat with veggies or whatever and then turn the leftover chicken into a casserole or quesadillas for another night.
  • ceewall
    Try this website Also, you can try to designate one day to cook a couple of meals and freeze them and then when you get home all that you have to do is heat up whatever you prefer. It makes life a lot easier.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I don't know if anyone suggests this but try finding a meal planner online that can cater to your health needs or at least healthy options. My brother and sister in law are in the same situation but since they found a plan making tool online (basically emails them their weekly meals and recipes), they stay on top of it. If you can't find one through google, let me know and Ill poke at my brother about the site name.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Tesco in the UK have a great site with recipies that are quick and easy. also Jamie Oliver has his 30 min cook book, worth thinking about a crockpot (or slow cooker) as they are life savers. You could prep things the night before and just pop them in in the morning and it would be ready when you get home!
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    one word,.... crock pot !!

    took the letters right out of my finger tips! On top of this, make enough for multiple meals and then all you have to do is throw left overs in the microwave.

    I'm going to cast another vote for Crock Pot. It's my favorite way to make simple dinners.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Oh, and Check out their quick and easy and 20-minute recipes.