Sabotaging weigh in?

jackalope28 Posts: 38 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hi there, I'm still relatively new to MFP, but am struggling with an old issue for me.

For some stupid reason of I dont' know what, I'll work my butt off with eating right and exercising and have a great on-program week. Then a couple of days before weigh in, I get nervous that maybe I haven't* lost weight, so I do stupid things (like eating too much salt, having a glass of wine, having three cookies) that absolutely WILL throw my progress off track.

I don't know why I do this, but I know that I do. Help! Have any of you done this? Overcome this? Have any advice?

I know I should stop, so why don't I???



  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Maybe do those things right after weigh-in, then have time to work them off. When weigh in rolls around you would have already made up for it, and you can look forward to doing the same thing again. (If you want.)
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I think its just something in your mind that you don't want to be disappointed in yourself... try to overcome that feeling, the scale could really surprise you, and that may motivate you to keep on the track you are going, and not sabotage yourself....
    (I am the worse, sometimes when I step on the scale, and feel that the number is never going to quit rising, I grab onto the window sill to make it stop....yep...I am slightly off in the head...)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Just stop. Life is about choices. :)
  • Sadly I do the same. Not quite sure what it is or why, I do great for 4- 5 days and then day 6 I mess up a little bit and by weigh in day I completely loose the plot and eat the contents of the house. I have a wedding dress fitting in 3 weeks and have been having nightmares about it yet when I go on a binge i dont stop to think, no idea why just have this 'ah well attitude' very much the all or nothing principle. A friend of mine has said that when ever I get the urge to eat something I know I shouldnt I should stop and count to 10 and hopefully walk away and do something else, I am going to give this try this week and see how I get on, that and change weigh in day, and plug in the Wii ( i got just dance for christmas so will give it a bash!)

    Good luck and keep at it..
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Put a note wherever items are that might cause you to do this. That way you walk to get cookie and see a note that says " I love myself tp much to sabotoge my health" then have a glass of water instead, or if you are hungry a healthy snack. Then go do.something with your a crossword or crochet
  • I may get scoffed for asking this, but .... Why weigh in only once a week?

    I'm not saying to weigh in every day; some people get too stuck on the numbers. But, when you are feeling like you are ready to sabotage your clean living, weigh yourself! That just might (1) motivate you to continue with your loss and not cheat, or (2) kick your butt into gear because you haven't lost any that week because of cheating.

    It just seems like you are too focused on "you can only weigh in once a week" stuff. I think that restriction might be what's doing you in.

    Personally, I weigh myself every morning and record my weight in a little pocket calendar I keep in my bedroom. I understand that my weight will fluctuate during the week, so I only "worry" about my weight on Sundays ... but I'm aware of, and scold myself for, any slip-ups I have during the week. (Yes, after a while you can tell the difference between "fluctuations" and "cheats".)

    Just a thought.

    Good Luck!
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    That is why I weigh myself every day, especially when I started, I would lose 1/2 to 1 lb per day. If I overdid it I would see that and really hunker down and be strict on myself.
    Now that I'm close to the end of my loss it is a bit counter productive since I've slowed to loosing a lb about every 2 to 3 days, and today included I was slightly heavier (about 2/10 of a lb) then yesterday. That's just how stuff works, but for me it prevents me from going on a binge
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    when i weigh , it is always in the morning that way im totally empty, and after that i can start my day, i also dont eat anything after 7PM .. not sure if thats good or not but thats what works for me !!
  • jackalope28
    jackalope28 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you all for the great suggestions! I hadn't considered weighing in more than once a week... that right there might be the trick that takes the anxiety out of Friday mornings.

    Great suggestions too to just walk away and do something else.

    Thank you for your suggestions and support!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    It seems like you doubt yourself or don't believe that you have the ability to succeed... Your thought process seems along the lines of, "well, I'm not going to lose any weight so I might as well eat/drink ________." You have to push that frame of thought out of your mind! Do you believe your are worth looking your best and being healthy? You definitely should!

    So carry on eating healthy and limit your treats throughout the week. If you have a craving for something, work it into your allotted calories for the day. Even if that means pushing yourself harder during your workout, or working out an extra half hour or so. Weigh yourself on a day that works with your cravings. For instance, if you seem to eat more poorly over the weekend, then have a weigh in on Thursdays or Fridays. That way you have more time to work it off. But keep in mind you don't want to reset all your efforts by eating poorly the whole weekend.
  • Maybe you give in to those negative choices because you are afraid that the scale won't show any progress in the numbers and making unhealthy choices a day or two before gives you something to blame that lack of progress on.

    Just remember that regardless of how little the progress in numbers may be, it will be even smaller if you continue to make poor choices out of fear.

    And, don't deprive yourself. Eventually, that will only cause you to make more and more unhealthy choices if your body/brain are in starvation mode and unhappy.
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