new and!!???

edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
so ive lost weight before but im trying to do it the healthy way this time and im a bit confused. i put my food into the calorie tracker today and i put in my exercise. apparently i didnt not eat all my calories nor the calories i burned. i felt like the calorie tracker yelled at me telling me i didnt eat enough lol.

here's my question:

am i supposed to eat the calories i burn everyday as well as my regualr calories???


  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Yes, that's the idea, because when you workout you burn calories so it gives you a calorie credit. It's a good motivator to exercise more!
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    MFP will only give you a warning if you consume less than 1200 calories a day. Whether or not you eat back your exercise calories has been covered extensively on these boards ( But you should be eating at least 1200 calories each day.
  • Yes.

    On a side note (not to you, but to others on the site)... Is this really such a weird idea? Why has nobody ever heard of this before?
  • You should eat your regular calories. As for your exercise calories, that is heavily debated on this site. I usually try to eat about half of my exercise calories, though some days I eat all of them and some days I don't touch them at all.

    Sorry my answer isn't more precise. I hope it helps regardless. Good luck!
  • I am told almost everyday since I started that I didn't eat enough calories. Here is what I have learned through a friend on this site as well: you want to make sure that you are atleast eating 1200 calories a day. If you do that, the site wont tell you that you are eating too few calories. If you wanted to increase you calorie intake when you work out, you have room to do that. If not, its an added bonus to you losing weight. I was also told that you shouldnt force yourself to eat if you havent reached 1200 calories a day. If your not hungry, you should be okay. Hope this helps.
  • lol i thought exercising was to lose weight (not to eat more). i never understood before that eating right is the most important part
  • charity_
    charity_ Posts: 5 Member
    Personally I eat my daily calories and only eat my exercise calories if I have a special occasion that day. Hope that helps.
  • Monisfit4life
    Monisfit4life Posts: 228 Member
    It is my understanding that you should pay attention to your net calories burned and if you are doing over 500 then you are doing ok. You should also make sure that your food is at least at 1200 if not then you need to eat at least that much. On the days that you exercise you can eat more because myfitnesspal has factored that in for you. If you don't eat enough on the days that you work out then you will have issues with your body going into starvation mode and you will eventually stop losing weight even if you lose it in the beginning.
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    I personally only eat when I'm hungry. Some days I do eat my calories + the exercise ones. Other days just my regular allotment. I've been told this is wrong, however, I know my body better than anyone that has never seen me. Let alone isn't my dr. So I suggest you find what works for you!
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