
Kids are asleep, hubby work, the fridge is no fun anymore... My big plans for today are to take the kids to find some Bakawhateverpoke'toythingie at the store. I think I have a few dishes to do to today. ::humph:: Maybe a little MTV today??? :tongue:

What's everyone else up to today?


  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Kids are asleep, hubby work, the fridge is no fun anymore... My big plans for today are to take the kids to find some Bakawhateverpoke'toythingie at the store. I think I have a few dishes to do to today. ::humph:: Maybe a little MTV today??? :tongue:

    What's everyone else up to today?
  • BlazinEmerald
    Bakugan ? lol My son is obsessed with them. Umm no real plans for today. Gonna try to get in some workout time today around the daycare kid. Then after I pick hubby up from work tonight at 5, gotta be to the vets for 6pm , with our boy (diamond - cat) and our new girl (Halo-puppy)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I have to go the the city hall and get my son's birth certificate since my hubby lost it!!! Sheesh! We are flying next Tuesday and they might want to see it because we didn't purchase him a seat since he is under 2 but since he is about 19 months, they might think he is 2! I don't know. Airlines can be funny! I don't want to have a problem when we get there!

    Hmm, might go buy my son a toy! LOL! He loves those little "Cars" matchbox car things they have out for the movie. When I watch that other boy Dylan, he has seen them and likes to play with them, but unfortunately Dylan doesn't like to share!! Soooooooo!! Those could be good on the flight since they are small! So, I will save them for that...

    Hmm, not much else. Might make a Trader Joes run on the way home. :)
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    :noway: Work.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I have to go the the city hall and get my son's birth certificate since my hubby lost it!!! Sheesh! We are flying next Tuesday and they might want to see it because we didn't purchase him a seat since he is under 2 but since he is about 19 months, they might think he is 2! I don't know. Airlines can be funny! I don't want to have a problem when we get there!

    Hmm, might go buy my son a toy! LOL! He loves those little "Cars" matchbox car things they have out for the movie. When I watch that other boy Dylan, he has seen them and likes to play with them, but unfortunately Dylan doesn't like to share!! Soooooooo!! Those could be good on the flight since they are small! So, I will save them for that...

    Hmm, not much else. Might make a Trader Joes run on the way home. :)

    I haven't caught a post on this...Where are you going? Ohhhhh...flying with kids! Ya know, if your kid isn't screaming...It's almost like free child care. LOL I use to fly more with my son, and everyone would ooohhh...and ahhh...because he would wiggle and they would say, "Oh he can talk to me!" So I'd let him. He just would say hello, then walk back...He was easy to fly with. Then there are those brats who the mom's yell at the entiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee flight. Why yell? Just beat the kid and get it over with! SHEESH! lol

    So back to you...Where ya going?
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Bakugan ? lol My son is obsessed with them. Umm no real plans for today. Gonna try to get in some workout time today around the daycare kid. Then after I pick hubby up from work tonight at 5, gotta be to the vets for 6pm , with our boy (diamond - cat) and our new girl (Halo-puppy)

    OH ya, Bakugan? WTF? They are as cheesy as a McCrap toy and 100 times the price! I don't get it??? My son had a friend over last night and the friend wanted me to know that Walmart gets their shipment in early on Monday, so if we go at no later than about 10:30 AM we should be good to get one, but anything past 11:00 and forget it.


    When did a 10 year old get to tell me what to do? AND they are great kids, but when did someone ELSE'S 10 year old get to tell me what to do? Sheesh... But I'm going since I had already said we'd go, and it takes up time I need to fill with kids. LOL

    But still!!!

    Ya, again with the back to you...So what kind of puppy did you get?
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    :laugh: PrincessLaundry!
    I agree with that. Our youngest is 16 and I hate the screaming parents.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I have to go the the city hall and get my son's birth certificate since my hubby lost it!!! Sheesh! We are flying next Tuesday and they might want to see it because we didn't purchase him a seat since he is under 2 but since he is about 19 months, they might think he is 2! I don't know. Airlines can be funny! I don't want to have a problem when we get there!

    Hmm, might go buy my son a toy! LOL! He loves those little "Cars" matchbox car things they have out for the movie. When I watch that other boy Dylan, he has seen them and likes to play with them, but unfortunately Dylan doesn't like to share!! Soooooooo!! Those could be good on the flight since they are small! So, I will save them for that...

    Hmm, not much else. Might make a Trader Joes run on the way home. :)

    I haven't caught a post on this...Where are you going? Ohhhhh...flying with kids! Ya know, if your kid isn't screaming...It's almost like free child care. LOL I use to fly more with my son, and everyone would ooohhh...and ahhh...because he would wiggle and they would say, "Oh he can talk to me!" So I'd let him. He just would say hello, then walk back...He was easy to fly with. Then there are those brats who the mom's yell at the entiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee flight. Why yell? Just beat the kid and get it over with! SHEESH! lol

    So back to you...Where ya going?

    Well, from July 1-6 we will be in Oregon visiting my family (I was born and raised there), and then from the 6-9 we will be visiting my father-in-law and his wife in Santa Barbara, CA. It's going to be nice!! My in laws are going to babysit so my hubby and I can go to a nice dinner while in SB! It's SO beautiful there!

    I am not SUPER worried about the flight. We flew out there last August and my son did ok, BUT he was 9 months old at the time. So, a little different. The last thing he wants to do is sit still right now! He is a charmer though. Loves people. Smiles and waves and talks to them. So, I am hoping that will help. y friend is going to let us borrow her portable dvd player too. So I can put The Wiggles on!! PLUS, our flight out of JFK is at 5:30 AM next Tues!! I hope he will sleep some and then we layover in Houston for about 45 min. Luckily because of the time difference, our flight is scheduled to land in Portland a little after 11:00 AM...so we can have a lot of the day to see family and then get to bed early! We are going to be SO tired! Jet lag! UGHH!!!

    I am a little worried about my eating, BUT I have been doing this long enough to be better with portions and to know what to eat and what not to eat!!! My dad likes to treat us to dinners out and my grandpa is a FAB cook! (I'm talking homemade sausage and sausage gravy over biscuits and other goodies like that)....I think my hubby might have his work laptop with him, so I may be able to "log food" and say hi here and there!! :laugh:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Let's seeee.....
    Packing.... packing... more packing... heading to the stores, doing laundry. Gotta get a few snacks for the loooooooong 6-7 hour drive to CT. Going to the dollar store and load up on cheap little things for the girls (cheap entertainment.. get it??:laugh: ) just incase they lose or break anything or even give anything away as gifts.
  • zen68
    zen68 Posts: 138 Member
    Kids have a half of day when they get home they are getting mohawks with red manic panic that glows in the black light....and I HAVE to study BIG time...HUGE practical on Thursday...and I am a complete bag of stress....surgery is on Friday....so this is the week of "freak" out.....
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Let's seeee.....
    Packing.... packing... more packing... heading to the stores, doing laundry. Gotta get a few snacks for the loooooooong 6-7 hour drive to CT. Going to the dollar store and load up on cheap little things for the girls (cheap entertainment.. get it??:laugh: ) just incase they lose or break anything or even give anything away as gifts.

    Oh yes, as a military family I have it down to a science for our family...A new toy for every 500 miles. Cheep game or toy or not. Every 500 miles. I think my kids like those magnet pencil thingies the most.

    They look something like this:

    Even my 10 year old played with one on the dive out here. LOL They have them for $1.99 for small hand size ones, to the $20.00 too big to lug around size. :laugh:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Kids have a half of day when they get home they are getting mohawks with red manic panic that glows in the black light....and I HAVE to study BIG time...HUGE practical on Thursday...and I am a complete bag of stress....surgery is on Friday....so this is the week of "freak" out.....

    Do your kids do summer school or just child care during the day? Mohawks...LOL Will you be sharing photos? :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I am packing! We leave for Ontario tomorrow (toronto) its a 4 dar drive :grumble: but it will be worth it! we'll be there allllllllll summer. :drinker:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hey all,

    Nothing much...looks like rain (again)
    My 4yr old finished school and summer camp doesn't start until next week
    DD is still recovering from surgery...should be fun/interesting...LOL

    Hope everyone has a good one!
  • BlazinEmerald
    Bakugan ? lol My son is obsessed with them. Umm no real plans for today. Gonna try to get in some workout time today around the daycare kid. Then after I pick hubby up from work tonight at 5, gotta be to the vets for 6pm , with our boy (diamond - cat) and our new girl (Halo-puppy)

    OH ya, Bakugan? WTF? They are as cheesy as a McCrap toy and 100 times the price! I don't get it??? My son had a friend over last night and the friend wanted me to know that Walmart gets their shipment in early on Monday, so if we go at no later than about 10:30 AM we should be good to get one, but anything past 11:00 and forget it.


    When did a 10 year old get to tell me what to do? AND they are great kids, but when did someone ELSE'S 10 year old get to tell me what to do? Sheesh... But I'm going since I had already said we'd go, and it takes up time I need to fill with kids. LOL

    But still!!!

    Ya, again with the back to you...So what kind of puppy did you get?

    She is a beagle. So far she's pretty well behaved and has only had 1 accident in the house, but that was when she was under the supervsion of my 14 yr old step son lol so... he probably got lazy and didnt take her out.

    Yeah the Bakugan are hard to find here. My son wanted to spend his birthday money on them .. whatever his money I don't care ... we went to 3 diff stores... and called about 4 others couldnt find em for nothing. So when I do see them I try to grab one.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Nothing much...gotta go buy dogfood, some wooden letters to spell out Taylor's name for her wall (I'm gonna paint them dark purple, yay craft time! lol) I also need jars of baby food, she is obsessed with sweet potatoes, everything else she could do without lol. Ummm..Trying to talk my chubby hubby into tennis today but it's kinda yucky out. He said he'd be willing to give it a try, so I'm excited about that. Also, I'm thinking today would be a good day to baby proof the living room area. I need to make signs for our store on the computer (not so fun) and type up a knife order on the compuer (also not so fun) lets see...laundry, dishes four or five times a day *lol*. I could stand to vaccuum, but I'm not feeling it today lol Everyone have a great day and for those of you who are traveling soon, Have safe, fun, exciting trips! :)
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    She is a beagle. So far she's pretty well behaved and has only had 1 accident in the house, but that was when she was under the supervsion of my 14 yr old step son lol so... he probably got lazy and didnt take her out.

    Yeah the Bakugan are hard to find here. My son wanted to spend his birthday money on them .. whatever his money I don't care ... we went to 3 diff stores... and called about 4 others couldnt find em for nothing. So when I do see them I try to grab one.

    For anyone needing a gift idea for someone...what age group would you suggest? My son is 10...loves them!

    These toys you roll or tap onto a heavy card which have a metal inside them, and the toy pops from being a ball to a monster. This is so not food related...Ya, I'm this bored today. :tongue:

    For those who are not blessed enough to know:

  • BlazinEmerald
    my son is 7, he was 6 when he started getting into them. I think just about every boy in his 1st grade class has them lol
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Well, I am hoping to get a walk in over to the library today, but there is some ugly looking storm clouds coming our way, and our library is so small that it doesn't even open until noon, so I can't even head out now to beat the rain! If I have to read Froggy's Halloween one more time, especially when it's not even Halloween the men in white may have to come take me away:laugh:

    And Bakugan, forget Bakugan, mine is into Pokemon. which I thought had gone into extinction, once my 13 year old grew out of them a few years ago, but considering my six year old is addicted now, I guess that was wishful thinking. I hate pokemon. Oh well, it keeps him busy!

    Happy Monday everyone, have a good day!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Nothing much...gotta go buy dogfood, some wooden letters to spell out Taylor's name for her wall (I'm gonna paint them dark purple, yay craft time! lol) I also need jars of baby food, she is obsessed with sweet potatoes, everything else she could do without lol. Ummm..Trying to talk my chubby hubby into tennis today but it's kinda yucky out. He said he'd be willing to give it a try, so I'm excited about that. Also, I'm thinking today would be a good day to baby proof the living room area. I need to make signs for our store on the computer (not so fun) and type up a knife order on the compuer (also not so fun) lets see...laundry, dishes four or five times a day *lol*. I could stand to vaccuum, but I'm not feeling it today lol Everyone have a great day and for those of you who are traveling soon, Have safe, fun, exciting trips! :)

    Oh my daughter LOVES her name on her wall. How fun!

    Have you ever made baby food sweet potato pancakes? Yes, I ended up using jarred sweet potatoes and made those for the entire family! LOL Everyone LOVED them and I never told! It is a great way to get your kids another veggie for the day and they were DELISH! YUM!

    Oh tennis! YEY for yo both! That sounds like fun! They have lessons for my age group here at housing club. At 5:00 PM!!! Errrr...That won't work! SHEESH! Anyway, sounds like fun!

    Baby-proofing...oh...my son was such a busy bee! He would move furniture to the fridge, pull out butter knives and try to wedge his way through the baby lock to get something to eat. JUST LIKE MOMMY! LOL My daughter never got into anything. HOW CRAZY IS THAT???

    I bought a Roomba so I don't have to keep vacuuming every day. My kids are dirt monsters so that is soooooooooooooooooo much easier. I love my Roomba! Thank you PRESIDENT BUSH!!! ((Stimulus check. LOL))