I sabotage myself every weekend

Why is it that I can do so well Monday through Thursday and then do so poorly Friday night and the rest of the weekend? My husband noted that if I could just do better on the weekends then I wouldn't have to work so hard the rest of the week to make up for it. He meant well and is completely right. I know I can have a good time with friends and family without all of the poor food choices but I have yet to make the good choices I know I can and should make. So maybe I just need to buckle down and commit for the entire week. Weekends aren't an excuse to eat whatever I feel like. So here it is in writting. I will do better next weekend. Any suggestions on how to do that would be useful though.


  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    Why is it that I can do so well Monday through Thursday and then do so poorly Friday night and the rest of the weekend? My husband noted that if I could just do better on the weekends then I wouldn't have to work so hard the rest of the week to make up for it. He meant well and is completely right. I know I can have a good time with friends and family without all of the poor food choices but I have yet to make the good choices I know I can and should make. So maybe I just need to buckle down and commit for the entire week. Weekends aren't an excuse to eat whatever I feel like. So here it is in writting. I will do better next weekend. Any suggestions on how to do that would be useful though.
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I do the exact same thing!! I am really good on days I have to work, log everything, go running, but then saturday and sunday roll around and it is just far to chaotic with the kids and everything. I have noticed the weight loss slow down, but it is still going down, so since I am in this for the long haul I am trying not to stress over it too much. Good luck!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    At first I took the temptation out of the house. If my family wanted something I could not have they would just go get it or keep it to them selves. Now that my will power is up it dont bother me any more. (most of the time). I go for a walk, I was eating at home on the week ends out of bordem.
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    I am in your boat as well! :indifferent: I have been watching my scale every monday for 4 weeks and I am consistently 2 pounds or more up on Monday morning, which needless to say, un-does all of my Monday - Thursday work.

    This morning's work out was all about the meatballs and brownies from this weekend.

    I was thinking if I say to myself on the weekends, "Would you eat this Monday -Thursday?" If the answer is no, then I will try to put it down. I also found there are more sabotagers out on weekends too. You know, those friends who tell you to just eat it, have another glass of wine...
    Also, my fiance and I go out often on weekends. Restaurants are a difficult place for me.

    I think we should keep talking and check in on Monday morning next week! It helps to know someone feels the same way!
  • cavanar2
    cavanar2 Posts: 46
    Same here :sad: Bummer. The problem for me is I hate to cook on the weekends.
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I think weekends are harder then the rest of the week, that said I think if you prepare yourself better it would be easier. Have lots of veggies in the house, low fat lunch meats, lean meats, stuff to make salads with , even some light ice cream or a WW snack? I will cook out but I won't eat the potatoesalad (or just a spoon full) or the pasta salad, or I will make it with whole wheat pasta and reduced fat dressing......I will however put lots of veggies or salad on my plate and enjoy my weekend. Also for some reason I like to make low carb wraps, with light salad dressing or mustard and lean lunch meat ( ham, turkey, chicken breast, roast beef) and sometimes I even put some cheese on and heat them up....they are easy to make, variable, easy to transport and you can even make them sweet with pb &jelly (if you have the calories)> Oh and don't forget the fruits....
    I wish you success and hope I helped a little:flowerforyou:
  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    Sure I would love to check in on Mondays and see how the weekends are going for everyone. It's nice to know that it's not just me. One of the reasons I love this website. The support is always there from one person or another. I also like your question and am going to try to apply it. Would I eat this if it were Monday? So next Monday morning watch for the "Did you sabotage yourself this weekend?" thread.
  • dwalden
    dwalden Posts: 77 Member
    I definitely overloaded this weekend. Especially yesterday, but luckily the scales showed I have not gained a thing. I am guessing the reason why is because even though I was eating a lot I mowed the lawn, cleaned the storage shed, did a lot of walking in the grocery store and playing with the kids. And of course my Sunday morning workout. I am more sore today than typically during the week.

    Guess my suggestion would be just to stay active. Ride a bike, take a walk or run, go row a boat and play football or some other sport. Probably the most appealling on a hot summer day is find a pool and swim.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Speaking from experience, this healthy eating way of life does get easier. Trust me. This used to happen to me too. Once you have identified your weakness (being it overeating on weekends or nights, etc.) you must really test your willpower and inner strength. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit...eating healthy is no different. Once you stay strong and get past these trying few weeks, it becomes like riding a bike.

    I have also found that now, if I eat something unhealthy, it makes me physically sick to my stomach.

    Good luck to you all!:flowerforyou:
  • Wizzle
    Wizzle Posts: 97 Member
    I am exactly the same way!!!!!! Sometimes I do not know how to stop myself. I think it is the mind set I am under. I think that I can eat whatever I want since I am relaxing. WRONG!!! I should not think that, but I do. I love to eat all the bad things I shouldn't. Now, because of this past weekend I did not make my goal last week of losing 1 lb. I stayed the same weight and that makes me :mad: @ myself.

    I wish there was a way to better control ourselves on the weekends. :sad:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am the same way, I didn't feel to well this weekend so I vegged on the couch on sunday and of course the hubby comes home with PIZZA! I managed to stay under 150 for 2 weeks and now I am 150 again:noway:
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    It is VERY normal to splurge on the weekends... WHY, Because you are at home.
    Plain and Simple. If you are at the Office Monday - Friday you are not parked in front of the fridge.
    But on Sat and Sun.. WOW Watch out!
    I saw that this was suggested already but I will re-state it.
    If you are eating more because you are at the house..... Get out of the house!
    It is the summer, Take long walks, play with the kids, go swimming, HAVE FUN!
    And when you DO eat. Eat the fresh fruits and veggies that are easier and cheaper to get in the summer.
    If you are going to a picnic bring the healthy stuff with you.
    Just because the fried Chicken is sitting there does not mean you have to eat it.
    Make a plan before you go to that family reunion. One piece of chicken and 1/2 a slice of Aunt Mables chocolate cake. a spoon of potato salad and one deviled egg, Maybe two.
    Then go play tag with the kids.
    You will feel so much better then the rest of the family adults that pigged out and can bearly walk.
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    :drinker: Okay... see you all on Monday morning... one week from today!
    My final wedding dress fitting is saturday morning... so I will def be good all week...

    BUT... Yankees/Mets at Shea Stadium on Saturday! Beer, Hot Dogs and Peanuts.... OH MY!!!

    I am going to pop my own 50 cal popcorn i think instead of gorging on peanuts.
    Beer? Well, its a baseball game... hafta.
    Hot dog? I won't eat the ends of the bun and I will give my fiance his two big bites...

    Wish me luck!!!!!
  • VanessaC
    VanessaC Posts: 126 Member
    The weekend is fast approaching yet again. And for us Canadians it's a long weekend too! I will not sabotage myself. Join us Monday morning for the "Did you sabotage yourself this weekend?" thread. It's a topic we just started talking about last Monday and decided we need a support group. All are welcome to join. See you Monday morning and have a great but healthy weekend!
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    How about a weekend challenge? I will start a new topic for it.
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357

    I'M VANESSA C!!!!

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Thats a common mishap that happens with people trying to lose weight- they do great on the weekdays and fall off the wagon on the weekends-- As for me instead of eating any and everything I forget to eat on weekends where on weekdays i eat my 3 meals and 2 snacks--
  • mimimo
    mimimo Posts: 6
    I tend to sabotage myself during the week. I am home with the kids, doing chores, running errands, taking kids to the pool with all of those carb loaded snacks in tow! When I do finally sit down for a meal, I eat what I prepare but, those snack items scream out at me!! I bought lower carb, higher protein bars for myself which are helping curb the snack monster. I also drink lots of water and iced tea.

    I have only been logging on for a few weeks and the accountability factor is helping. Before I eat something I shouldn't, I remind myself that I have to log it in!!! The scale hasn't budged yet, but, I need to be patient I suppose.

    I think the idea of sheer will power is going to have to be my motto.
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    Okay.... HEEEERE we go! Happy weekend and good luck everybody!
    I am off to walk the dogs , then the gym. So far so good...
    I didnt do so bad for a friday night last night.... but we have a YANKEES/METS game today at the stadium. I will have to remember that if I wouldnt eat it on a Monday-Thursday, then I am not eating it on the weekend!

    I am up one pound, which is nothing, but it is definietely stuck to my belly... i can see it in the shorts I bought the otehr day that no longer fit...

    happy weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:glasses: