Struggling Hypothyroid Chick

Hey guys! I'm looking for some Fitness Pal friends for support. I'm hoping it will keep me on track.

I'm 30 year old female, 5'2" and revisiting the 150s again for the millionth time. I'm a yo-yo girl and struggling with chronic hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue.

Over the years, I've done the calorie tracking several times, Weight Watchers, Atkins, a low-carb plan, two rounds of HCG, South Beach, went vegetarian twice, 6 meals a day diet and some crazy juice diet. I've worked with a private trainer, took kick boxing, did some hardcore weight training, spinning, yoga, hot yoga, and at one point, I was over working out for almost 2 hours a day, 7 days a week (no days off). In other words, I've been through hell and back. Some things worked, most didn't. And for the ones that worked, the weight packed back on.

So I'm back tracking calories. I need to loose 25 lbs, would love to loose 30, but would be happy with 25. Fitness Pal says that if I want to loose 1 lb a week, I need to eat at least 1200 calories a day. I started a few days ago, and I'm having some trouble adjusting to it. I'm a sugar addict and my work is the worst place to go to when I'm on a diet. My co-workers are big eaters and always bringing in "contraband." lol For example, on Friday, there will be a chili cook off. yikes!

I have the My Fitness Pal app, and looking for friends to do this with. my email -


  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    I'm hypo too (sometimes it's more like hippo). Been on thyroid meds since 2002 just recently had my meds adjusted, by my family doc, because my levels were too high now I feel like crap. So I'm off to see an endocrinologist on Tuesday. Hoping he can help me out! Feel free to friend request me. I've lost 23 and have between 50-60 to go. Really want to wait and see how I feel and what I look like before I decide on a final goal. Good luck!
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Would be happy to be a friend to thyroid has a growth that is being tested to see if it has to be removed.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have been on medication since I was, 13 years ago. In the past 13 years I have gained 60 lbs. and now have lost 30 lbs. It is a struggle but can be done. I am working on my second "30". I am currently trying to incorporate The Belly Fat Cure diet. It limiits sugar grams and carbs. I could have written your first message...I've tried all those diets except the veges. :wink: I also have read The Thyroid Diet which is the same...fruits, veges, low-fat proteins and less refined sugars. I will not lose weight if I don't exercise...that is a key with hypothyroidism...Are you on medication? Is your medication the right dosage? I would like to be part of this group too.
  • sharper43
    I'm hypo too (sometimes it's more like hippo). Been on thyroid meds since 2002 just recently had my meds adjusted, by my family doc, because my levels were too high now I feel like crap. So I'm off to see an endocrinologist on Tuesday. Hoping he can help me out! Feel free to friend request me. I've lost 23 and have between 50-60 to go. Really want to wait and see how I feel and what I look like before I decide on a final goal. Good luck!

    Congrats on the 23 loss!!!
    I've been on meds since 2005. I found out in a horrible way. I almost slipped into a coma. I feel WAY better now than I did then! I started out on Synthroid and kept increasing it until it started to level out. I felt better, but didn't feel great and the struggle was still definitely there. There was a point where I had lost 30 lbs and it was so freaking hard to do! Guess what my endocrinologist does after my weight loss? I was feeling great, but he lowers my meds anyway. After my meds were lowered, I was gaining 2lbs a week!!!! It didn't take long before all 30 lbs were back on. I was so angry, that I started looking for another endocrinologist. I went a completely different route and saw an internal doctor that supported alternative medicine. He put me on an all natural Armour and then after he ran tests, found out my adrenal fatigue was causing cortisol to sky rocket. So he also put me on some all natural supplements for adrenal health. The Armour made a huge difference in how I felt. I stopped gaining weight, but I can't get it off. I'll never go back to Synthroid, though. As for the adrenal supplements, I couldn't tell a difference, so I stopped taking them. Plus, it was hard to stay with them because I had to take it 3 times a day! I'm thinking about trying it again, though.

    But if you are thinking of seeing a different doctor, I would suggest exploring some out-of-the-box options like alternative medicine. Especially if your doctor is more about numbers on the paper and not listening to how you feel!! I'm finding out that all endocrinologists are like that. The Armour feels much much better!
  • sharper43
    Would be happy to be a friend to thyroid has a growth that is being tested to see if it has to be removed.

    Yikes!! are you waiting to hear the news? I hope it goes well!
  • sharper43
    I have been on medication since I was, 13 years ago. In the past 13 years I have gained 60 lbs. and now have lost 30 lbs. It is a struggle but can be done. I am working on my second "30". I am currently trying to incorporate The Belly Fat Cure diet. It limiits sugar grams and carbs. I could have written your first message...I've tried all those diets except the veges. :wink: I also have read The Thyroid Diet which is the same...fruits, veges, low-fat proteins and less refined sugars. I will not lose weight if I don't exercise...that is a key with hypothyroidism...Are you on medication? Is your medication the right dosage? I would like to be part of this group too.

    Oh, yes, the damn Thyroid Diet. I didn't add that to my list! I've done that one too! I have 2 books on the thyroid diet. I don't think I gave that diet long enough chance to see if it worked. I think I started that diet at a time when I was so frustrated that if I didn't see immediate results, i was going to rip my hair out. lol

    I'm on Armour 120mg a day. It's been about 6 months since I've seen my doc and I believe I have one more month left on my medication before i go back for a check up. I believe it is the right amount because I don't feel tired like I am when it's "off." But I will admit, I've been so freaking cold at my work office and everyone thinks I'm crazy. So who knows. The doc might be more focused on my adrenal fatigue, though, since I haven't been taking my supplements for that.