HELP ME! Im frustrated!

juliekhackney Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Started my search for the "perfect" wedding dress last October. I found one that I fell in love with, tried it on and sadly it was a little tight! I thought to myself...I have 6 months and KNOW I can drop about 10 pounds and fit in this perfectly! Well, here I am 4 months later, 20 pounds lighter and STILL havent lost enough inches to fit in the dress without needing to alter it. Ok I understand alterations aren't the end of the world, but how frustrating to know I've worked so hard at the gym and watching food intake, only to get back into the dress and see my hard work has got me no where. Any suggestions on how to lose inches around my bust and tummy? Even though the scale shows a 20 pound weight loss, the dress shows something way different! So frustrated and feel un-pretty in the dress now that I've tried it on again! Already doing an hour of cardio 5 days a week, weight training (light weights to tone and not bulk), and staying under 1200 calories a day. What can I do that Im not already doing to cut some inches?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just recently read in Oxygen Magazine's Fat Loss issue is the best way to lose those last stubborn pounds, especially belly fat is clean eating. I highly recommend the magazine, great exercises, articles, and recipes! You can find a lot of clean recipes online. Good luck! Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Cardio is a great way to drop the weight. However, as you may already know - you cannot spot reduce areas - weight comes off where it want - when it wants depending on the person and genetics. Toning will help tighten up the muscles underneath, but only slow steady weight loss will get you what you want...
  • sunvin
    sunvin Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds like you have had great results, and are doing wonderful overall. Would you consider a different dress? It may not be so much a weight issue as a body type issue. Congrats on the wedding.
  • and staying under 1200 calories a day.

    that might actually be a problem, are you not paying attention to MFP's starvation mode warning. Too few calories can be a huge problem and really harmful rather then helpful.
  • sounds like you are doing good BUT the "under the 1200" calories.....ive been told you have to eat AT LEAST 1200 so your body doesnt hold onto it and will burn more.....try increasing your weights also...not drasticly but just enough to start feeling the burn again...your body may have gotten used to routine...change it up a bit :) good luck and congrats on the future will make it, dont get discouraged
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I second the clean eating thing. I love it.

    Are you eating only 1200 calories or is that what you net? If you're eating 1200 calories and exercising, your body could easily be in starvation mode. However if you burn 300 calories from exercise, you should be eating 1500 so you "net" 1200. It really will make a difference.

    I'm a bride too, and one of my friends gave great advice. She said to choose a dress you already feel pretty in, and if you lose weight it'll look that much better. I took her advice, found a dress I loved, but still plan on losing 15 pounds (8 down already!) to make it look that much hotter.

    I know you already purchased a dress, but if you can return it/buy another I would use that strategy this time around!
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