hi, i'm new. i'll take all the advice i can get!

tiffanymarie88 Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
hi everyone! i'm new to this website and just started my diet yesterday! my goal is 40-45 pounds by june/july. kind of seems un-realistic but i'm gonna try! i'm 22 and in school/working full time....anybody have any tips about what to eat and not eat. i feel like i'm always on the go, so i RARELY am home or have time between work and studying to cook a home cooked meal. i realllly need to lose this weight, not only to feel better about myself but to get a lot healthier. i have a gym membership and i'm going to try to go as much as possible. any food ideas, i would LOVE...i'm always so confused as to what i should eat/not. i'll take all the advice i can get! thankkks! :)


  • I'm a full time student too, so I get it. Really, if you can brown bag it, do--I keep a bunch of fresh washed and cut veggies in the fridge in pre-made sacks so I can just grab a few and run. Look online for some low cal versions of your favorite food, and if you go over one day realize that one day doesn't mean you're back at square one. hope this helps!
  • hmm so what are you typically eating now?
    Do you have anytime to cook at home or are you eating out, fast food, packing lunches?

    I would definitely get some weightwatchers cheesesticks(any grocery store any kind will work i just eat those)
    I would look at eating alot of chicken, turkey, and fish.
    Switch to wheat breads and wheat pastas
    cut down on dairy that is fatty; sour cream, butter, too much milk (my biggest problem lol)
    Eat alot of green vegetable and fruits are good to but not to much because many of them have ALOT of sugar (strawberries for example).

    For lunches you could make eggsalad sandwiches(make enough to last for a few days so you can pack it up quick) boiled eggs, light mayo, relish, onion, celery, pepper with lettuce and tomato..

    also almonds are good for snacks...

    Quick breakfast ideas:
    Oatmeal with brown sugar (if you eat your oat meal with sugar)
    Turkey bacon
    Light yogurt
    Egg whites; even eggs are fine with the yolk

    if you need anything else let me know!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Tips.... oh there's so many!

    The #1 tip I can give you is take it one day at a time. Focus on what you can eat today and when you can work out today. Don't stress about your journey ahead, just take it one day at a time. That's what has gotten me down 37 pounds and counting... And this correlates with logging on here everyday, and packing a lunch and healthy snacks with me every single day. Days that I don't pack my food or postpone my grocery shopping I always go over my calories. Good luck to you and sign in everyday to MFP! If you go over your calories it's okay, just focus on what choice you can make next :)
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Pay attention to your foods, get sleep, drinks lot of water, exercise 5 times a week. It will start to come off, just have to work at it. The site is very helpful. I work all the time, the key is preparation, you can do it. Good luck!
  • I'm totally doing the crazy college life right now too. My advice is to eat as many fresh fruits and veggies as possible and make sure to get enough protein and fiber. I joined MFP because of another college friend and we discovered it REALLY helps to cut down on sodium and drink LOADS of water. We both have refillable bottles that we drink several of every day and it really makes a difference because it helps flush out the sodium, which keeps you from losing.

    Another tip I have is to not give up. At the beginning of the semester it was easy for me to watch my food and fit in workouts. But now that I'm super stressed and busy, I'm having to fight slipping back into old stress eating habits. So if you have a bad day and go way over in calories, just remember the next day you start fresh and you can get back on the way to a new healthier you!! Also, MFP is a great support system and the people on here are amazing and very encouraging. So the more you put into making friends on here, the bigger the support you have behind you and you'll gain your own cheering section!! It's incredible!!

    Good luck!!
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