Just joined Curves

Hi! I joined curves on Tuesday, and have now done two workouts! I think I'm going to really enjoy it.... Is anyone else a curves member and how do you feel about it? Any tips from anyone about doing a great workout whilst I'm there??


  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Hi Shonz, I have also just joined on tuesday lol!! I have done 2 workouts also!!

    I also think Im gonna really enjoy it! The half hour goes so quickly I wanted to keep going round lol!!

    I wanted to reply coz I thought we could keep each other motivated and so I can see n e tips others may have! xxx
  • dawn2154
    dawn2154 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi i used to be a member of curves i enjoyed it very much . I think the trick is to go really hard on the machines for a high amount of reps :)
  • ShonzG
    ShonzG Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks Dawn.... I get my curves smart card tomorrow!!