
SamsGonePaleo Posts: 18
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
I am using up most of my carbs and sugar at breakfast alone, I don't think I am eating bad carbs or bad sugar, and I always work out at night but this whole sugar thing has really been a strugle and I dont want it to hinder my weight loss, any suggestions ?


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I usually have eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast. I don't know if you like eggs but it could help.
  • I bet you are eating processed cereal?!
    Read the ingredients, if sugar (in any form) is in the top 3 ingredients, don't buy it!
    Ingredients are listed in order of mass so if sugar is near the top then it is a large proportion of the product plus I bet it will be in there in other forms or inside other ingredients later in the list.
    Try putting a grill up into your food diary and have a look at the nutritional values of that, bacon, eggs, mushrooms tomato etc!

    Also, did you know that the process involved in making cornflakes removes all the vitamins and minerals, so they add it back in later plus a load of iron and some of it is in a form that your body can't even process!
  • I just looked at your food diary, cereal, soy milk and peanut butter doesn't look very paleo to me!
  • I had to stop paleo, because my hypoglycemia got way out of control without enough carbs ;/ I think my cereals okay, it has 0g sugar
  • Try Quaker Oats so simple (but not the original flavour) with a handful of raisins and 180ml of semi skinned milk. Fills you up but is healthy x
  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    My 2c (no expert)

    The sugar goals here are very restrictive. Mine are all used up in milk and fruit.

    Some cereals are very high in sugar so you could try a lower sugar cereal. My rule if it's tasty enough to want to eat any time of day or night it's got too much sugar (think crunchy nut corn flakes, coco pops, fruit loops). If it's got dried fruit or yoghurt balls in it there's probably too much sugar too.

    Also some of the really refined cereals are very high GI - so while rice bubbles might be low in sugar it only takes your body a moment to turn them into sugar.

    I like high fibre - high protein cereals - they keep you fuller longer and have less carbs - often have the word bran in the title.

    But as long as your calories come in under the goals every day you'll probably lose weight anyway so I'd suggest keeping the cereal you like at the moment because the morning is probably the best time to overdo it on sugar as you've half a chance of burning it off before it turns into fat.

    Addit just saw that you are eating bran anyway and your sugar comes from fruit. Nothing you can do about that unless you stop eating fruit - which I'm not sure will help your weight loss just help you meet the rather arbitrary (in my opinion) goal MFP has come up with. If you search for sugar there are plenty oh threads on this already.
  • For cereal I am doing Fiber Select, Bran, it has no sugar and 14 g fiber and I am doing 1/2 a cup with 1/2 a cup of soy milk, vanilla. I also had 1/2 green apple and 1 tbsp all natural peanut butter with it... I really dislike eggs and bacon I'm getting so frustrated trying to get my protein in at breakfast.
  • I scramble 3 egg whites and sometimes add salsa to them or onions and/or green peppers or even a slice of Kraft 2% cheese. I don't like using up so much of my sugar allotment at breakfast, which is what happens even with skim milk and blueberries on cereal. Raisins or bananas would really take the sugar level up! I've been on the plan for 20 days and lost 8.5 pounds. But most importantly my blood sugar has gone from 133 to 100!
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    As long as you are not diabetic...I wouldn't concentrate on the sugars. I founds myself obsessing about the being over on the sugar but IMPOSSIBLE to come under at this point. I took it off my settings so I don't see it and I focus on calories, fiber, cholesterol and sodium!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Yes, I watch my sugar very closley and stay under 30 grams a day. Choose extra lean protein instead. Mostly protein with maybe a slice of whole weat toast. Eggs with veggies, or some leftover dinner from last night--who says it has to be tradiational breakfast food - good luck
  • Im type 2 diabetic and have to watch my sugar intake, take a look at my food diarys it may give you some ideas on foods that are low in the sugar department. good luck
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I couldn't keep up with the sugar restrictions because I eat fruit and I have two servings per dairy per day. I removed that from my food log. I never go over on carbs though. I think that guideline is pretty easy to follow. I generally go a little over on protein and a little under on carbs.
  • I have to keep an eye on my sugar because of my hypoglycemia, I'm supposed to stay 30g and under a day even if its natural, unless I exercise a ton.
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