Want to run, but embarrassed



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    Ok... You cant think about that. First when you are out there burning your fat away and they look out the window and see you take a break. Who is better? You are they arent doign crap they are in their house watching wheel of fortune or something. Your out there doing it and getting it done and in 3-6 weeks you will be running around there like a gazelle.

    Never be ashamed of your fitness level its what makes people quit. Dont be a quitter be a winner!
    Where's the like button?

    I got a buddy that told me that he refused to go to a gym because he was fat.. I had to remind him that gyms were built for that reason.
  • prepsikola
    prepsikola Posts: 17 Member
    Oh man, I used to hate running for that reason. Whats help me is I think to myself "Most of the people who see me are in a car, fat and lazy, atleast Im doing something about it." You just have to bad thoughts out of your head. Honestly, I see joggers every day of my life and when I see then the only thing I'm thinking is "I should be doing that" Not that they are fat, or bad at jogging. I used to jog every day. It makes you feel GREAT about yourself.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I feel the same way...I live in a busy area...and I didn't want people gawking at the fatty huffing and puffing around the block...lol. I have a treadmill in my basement...so I've been starting to put it to good use and no longer using it as a clothes hanger/dust collector. I've downloaded the Couch25K on my phone and am in week 1...I blast my beats in the basement and run as idiotically as I want and have no critics to watch.

    Keep going with C25k. I graduated last Sept. I ran in 4 5ks last year and i'm doing my first Triathlon this year. On Sunday I ran 4.5 miles with some pretty sizable hills. It was AMAZING! Doing something no one else does makes you feel like a Super hero!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I didn't start losing weight and getting in shape until I decided I didn't care what others thought. The more I worried about others, the more weight I gained. Quite honestly, I don't drive by people running/walking and question their conditioning. Think about "why" you want to run and go for it.

    Good luck.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I'm sure someone probabley mentioned this already but Couch to 5k (C25K) is a great program for beginner runners; I know becaues I'm currenly using it and am on Week 3 Day3. I understand your fear; before C25K I never ran and had no endurance. With the C25K program it wants you to start out slow, alternation walking and jogging. I still feel stupid when I'm at the gym and people watch me run since I'll jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 mins, walk 3 mins, but I DONT CARE. People can think what ever they want (which probably isn't as bad as I think) because I trying to improve my fitness level and that doesn't happen over night.

    I say do your thing and ignore everyone else. Be happy that you are trying to make a difference in your life and that's all that matters.

    Happy Running!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    No one pays any attention to what someone else is doing. If they are out walking or jogging they are either focused on thier workout or the conversation they are having with thier partner. No one is going to see a person stop to walk nad think anything of it. You see that all the time even with seasoned runners doing various interval type training.
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Take a running class!! Not sure where you live, but lots of running shoe stores have classes (like the Running Room, Forzani's Tech shop, etc). If you take the beginner "Learn to run" kind of courses, you'll be in a group of 20 other people who are also running 1 minute, walking 1 minute, running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes, etc.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm a big girl (335 lbs at current) and I'm starting the C25K program. I run on the treadmill at work, and honestly I have no issues with people seeing me since I'm the one huffing it trying to lose weight. If anything, people generally will have positive reactions to someone trying to get in shape. And the ones who are negative aren't worth your time to begin with.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Wow...thank you all for your support! And you are EXACTLY right.....the people that would be judging me are probably the fat lazy ones. And like some one else said...when they see me stop, do they know how long I had been going before hand? You are all so smart and nice!

  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    lots of ppl use the treadmill to do interval runs anyways (run for 2 minutes/walk 1 ect)

    so if your worried about ppl seeing you stop, don't; lots of ppl do that as their routine
  • mbaker449
    I was embarrassed as well. I wanted to lose my the weight I gained from having my baby and I knew running was the way to get rid of it the fastest. I started in August. I have never ran in my life. I started by seeing how long I can run. Barely hit a mile without panting. I was ashamed. But then I made it a goal to increase my mileage by 0.2 every week. Some runs are good, some not so good. Now, even though I am not as committed to it, I run for 3 miles, about 30 minutes nonstop (a mile is NOTHING to me anymore). When I go to the gym and run, I am SO proud of myself and feel like such a "runner" that I never was. People who are trying to run next to me, I outrun by 20 minutes. The feeling is irreplaceable, and I am so happy I stuck with it. I am now down to my pre-baby weight without even worrying about it because by running, it just shed off! I also run in the morning before work when many people are not there. That helped. Just remember, you have to start somewhere. But once you increase your time and mileage, it is SO worth the beginning embarrassment.
  • rdy2begin
    Ok... You cant think about that. First when you are out there burning your fat away and they look out the window and see you take a break. Who is better? You are!, they aren't doing crap. They are in their house watching wheel of fortune or something. You're out there doing it and getting it done and in 3-6 weeks you will be running around there like a gazelle.

    Never be ashamed of your fitness level its what makes people quit. Dont be a quitter be a winner!
    Love this that motivates me .....Really makes sense I too am chicken to running so do it at night with my son occ.but this makes since while we are working on our goals they are being the "coach potatoes" So really we owe ourselves and maybe even inspire a neighborhood jog :)
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    At least you are out there trying. They may say that and think maybe I should get out there and try to run. I have to run to one light pole and walk to the next, but I plan and hope to build the endurance to run all the way.

    Maybe if you are so self-conscious about it a treadmill would be a great investment.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Please consider watching this video. (I have to turn the music down. Cold Play...yuck.)

  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    There's nothing to be embarrassed about.

    Personally I agree with everyone who said just get out there and do it. Most people will pay no attention cos they've got other stuff on their minds, and if anyone gives you a funny look - so what? Sod them!

    And if you think you really really don't want to run among people at the beginning, then drive somewhere nice for a run!!

    When I first came back from running after injury, I just wanted to run in peace & quiet and not be around people. So I drove about 45 minutes to the nearest seafront and ran across the clifftops... Just a few walkers around and their dogs.

    Alternatively if you're embarrassed about having to stop because you're out of breath, remember no one knows whether you've been out there for 1 minute or one hour!!

    You could get yourself a little interval timer which beeps at set intervals such as every minute and just start run-walking. So you'll walk because it's part of the schedule not because you're cream-crackered. :wink:
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Go for it!

    If anyone does look at you while running who cares? You are probably never going to see them again anyway. Focus on your breathing and bring an ipod with you so you don't get bored. Keep at it and i'm sure you will be running around the entire neighbourhood.

    Good luck
  • blondie_0506
    I suck at running too, and when I first started going outside, I started with walking and worked my way up to running. I still occasionally take breaks, but who cares what others think!! I live in a very populated neighborhood with alot of teenagers and they all stare, but I don't care. I'm trying to get in shape to live a better life!!

    I know you can do it!! Just start off small and work your way up!! :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I started running last summer and literally couldn't run 1/2 mile! I felt so stupid, lol, but I am so glad I stuck with it because I have now run 2 5K's and am training for my first sprint triathlon...something I never would have done if I hadn't stuck with running despite feeling uncoordinated and very slow!
  • micklepickle61
    I agree with everyone else. Don't worry about what everyone else thinks. The ones that matter will think you are a winner for getting off the couch. The ones that will criticize are still sitting on the couch. I also think the couch to 5K program is a great way to start.

  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    1. Who cares what others think.
    2. You're out there doing it, you are already one step ahead of most people in our ever increasing obese society.
    3. Most people are thinking to themselves "good on her" or "man I really should be doing that"

    As for not being good at running, start easy. Say you go on a 20 min walk, run the last 2 minutes home. Do that for a week, then next week, run the last 5 minutes home. Before you know it you will be running the lot and looking at taking a longer route.

    Good luck