I think about it DAY&NIGHT, is it normal/healthy?

I am finally starting to lose weight, thanks to MFP and a LOT of self discipline. I would like to hear from others:
DO YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY DAY AND NIGHT ? It seems as soon as I can, I'll run to the computer to write down what I just ate. I wake up at night thinking what exercises I will do the next day. I always think about what healthy meals/snacks I should be eating. I AWLAYS think about it !!
Does it get to a point when you don't always thinks about it ?
Thanks for your input !


  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I am the same way. I hope that once I get to my goal weight I can relax (just a little bit!) instead of obsess.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Hey I have only been doing this just under 2 weeks and I am exactly the same - I am guessing its just coz its new and its exciting and the novelty will wear off :) xxx
  • Browneyedgirl4
    Browneyedgirl4 Posts: 16 Member
    Me too! I am glad I am not the only one. I am a newbie to MFP. I think this will help in our journey, helps keep us accountable. Excited for a new day to prove myself to me. Good luck with your day.
  • bluehooked
    bluehooked Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, i must admit i think about this all the time as well but i think that's a great thing as it means we are totally commited to losing weight. Kenny
  • itsgemmafool
    I just started using MFP and i'm already obsessed. i've noticed that it has been causing me to think a lot more about my weight and what i eat. i think it's a healthy thing if you're constantly thinking about it as long as you're not thinking about doing anything drastic. i'm sure once we all reach our goal weights, we'll calm down a little. it feels good to be motivated.
  • in_it_2_win_it
    I am the same way.. If I go through the day and don't do a work out.. I wonder what the numbers will look like when I step on the scale.. I plan my day around lunch, dinner and snacks... and I make sure I plan things around work outs and stuff.. I have become sorta a weirdo..
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Well, this is the main objective of your life right now, isn't it? So I guess it is quite normal.
    I think it is a matter of not leaving other things behind.
  • happy115
    Yes, it can be obsessive - but you need to get yourself to a point where you're eating healthy and exercising and it becomes your lifestyle - not a "diet"... This author of the blog talks about her obsession with calorie counting, weight loss...etc.. and it's encouraging to read how she overcame it:

  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I think it's good to always be conscious of it - I'm borderline obsessive even though I have slip-ups now and then but if I wasn't then I would be back where I was before I lost any weight. Eating and miserable. Not aware that my blood-sugars are spiking, craving terrible foods all day long...and then of course, eating those terrible foods. I don't think it's wrong to thinking about it day and night when you are first starting out, pretty soon it will be habit, second nature, part of your lifestyle. Keep up the good work & congratulations for putting yourself first. :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I think about my weight loss constantly... when I am eating, when I am not eating, when I am shopping, walking, working, coughing, peeing, brushing my teeth! ... It does not matter what I am doing, I am thinking about my food choices, my weight, my future .. and all I want is to lose weight.

    I don't think its unhealthy, because really all it is going to do is make you healthy.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I do, but I don't think I'm obsessing about it. I think I'm just being proactive and diligent in my journey. Before I wasting a lot of time thinking much about nothing. Now I have something to really think about that gives me pride. Myself.
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    If we do not think about it all the time then we may not make healthy choices.:tongue:

    When we stop thinking about it all the time - I pray that the reason is because I have reached my goal and the healthy choices have become my only choices!:happy:
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I am at the same place as you. I am thinking about things I need to be doing constantly! I don't wake up during the night, but I am thinking about it all day long and trying not to eat anything that I would not want to log. It is a struggle, as I am trying to change my whole mindset about food. Tired of being the fat girl!! I hope it gets easier the longer that I am disciplining myself.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I have been doing this for two months....and it's all I think about......
    I think I am so worried about doing it right.....that I think about it to make sure that I have it all planned out!!!

    I have never thought of food as much as I do now....when I use to eat....I never thought about it now I spend more time on food then I ever had.......I figured it was the other way around!!!!

    I hope it gets better.....like it just becomes part of your life so you just stop thinking about it so much!!!
  • SunshineRowe
    I have been doing MFP since August and I no longer "think about it" that much...lol
    you want to try and keep the excitement and make sure you turn that into a great commitment.
    enjoy your journey
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Me too! But now that I've been doing it for almost 6mths it's a little less consuming. But I think it kind of goes in spurts too. Depending on what else is going on in your life. But I have to say I do think about it A LOT!! You are not alone!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I was definitely like that when I first started out on my journey. I was obsessed--so worried about doing everything -exactly- right.
    Now that I'm 7 months in, I'm used to everything so I don't fret (as much, lol).
    I do mentally plan my meals throughout the day, & think about what I'll be doing as exercise.
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    :bigsmile: I think at first u do think about it because u want to do good and make progress. After awhile it just comes ur way of life & u don't have to think about it anymore. Great job on ur progress so far!!
  • AngelUK1985
    AngelUK1985 Posts: 84 Member
    first thing i do in the morning when i get up is come on and log into this and thats even before i have breakfast :) also i can excercise anytime during the evening and night and come on and log it in straight away like last night i was on the rower machine after 10pm i know your not meant to excercise before bed no wonder i was up till after 2am :)
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I am the same way!!!