New to this too

I love htis website and find myself on it all the time. I read blogs and love adding in my food and cario. I started the Shred it DVD from Jillian Micheals, it's great. Very sore legs the first day, sort of walked like I was riding a horse for three days straight. Anyway hoping it pays off. I was wondering if anyone knew how to log that into the Cardio section. I've been using something else as the name to give me the same cal. burned. Also if anyone goes to Planet Fitness, what do you use to log in the Gazelle. It is not coming up on here either. Have good to everyone.


  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    for jillian michaels i put it under circuit training for now until i get a heart rate monitor. The hrm will be more accurate.
  • JenSol
    JenSol Posts: 13
    Thank you for your help, I didn't think of that. By the way your pic. looks great!:happy: good job
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I did it and counted it as aerobics high impact