Just Started Today. Hello All

sadieleo Posts: 5 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
:smile: I would like to lose 50lbs by mid summer. I think it is realistic as long as I stick to the program. I have to lose this weight. Starting to feel the effects of carrying around this extra weight. Would love to have a few friends who also have the same weight loss goal to help motivate each other. Today is the day and the time is now.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you.

    I know what you mean, my knees were suffering greatly from my extra weight. Know that I lost 79 pounds, I cannot even imagine lifting an 80-pound bag of something at Home depot----why and How did I carry that around - UGH!
  • :happy: Hello. Best of luck in your weight loss efforts. Be sure and take our measurements in addition to weighing on the scale. Sometimes you can see success there when you might not on the scale.
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Welcome to the site, Sadie! This is a fantastic place for your weight loss journey! You'll find wonderful people on here who will keep you motivated and give you the support you need. I've been on here since August and have lost 42 pounds. I'm one pound from my goal (but I want to lose another fifteen after that!). I'd love to lend some support!

  • Hi there from lower Alabama! I'm pretty new to myfitnesspal and I really love it. Along with The 17 Day Diet that I am on, this site really helps me "count calories" and "exercise". I want and NEED to lose at least 50 lbs as well. Being on steroids (prednisone) has taken it's toll. I am looking forward to not only feeling better and healthier but reaping a "new wardrobe" when I'm able to get back into my 10's and 12's! Best of luck and prayers to yall that on this boat ride with me!
  • Hey Sadie. Best of luck to you on your goal! Don't forget to adjust your profile after every ten lbs you lose. I just saw that little tidbit yesterday and needed to readjust mine.

    I'm also hoping to be close to my goal by midsummer as well. I'm down 12 lbs since Jan 3. Hang in there. We can DO this!
  • Hey Fergielose, Prednisone is the DEVIL!! That's what started my weight gain NIGHTMARE so I totally sympathize! Best of luck to you!
  • Congrats! on your commitment to lose weight! It takes alot to start this change. I, too am new to this new lifestyle of counting calories and very excited about it! I need to lose 15-20lbs by summer. My goals are to to lose the inches off my body so that I can fit into my wardrobe again. I need all the motivation I can get as well and it's nice to know there are others on the same path. Have a great day! :love:
  • Hello, I to joined this site on 1/4/11 to lose some weight. I have tried for years to lose weight but never found anything that worked for me. This site is great. I have lost 11 lbs already and I do not think I have really had to change alot. I am learning to eat the right portions and my husband got me a much needed treadmill that I walke 1 hour at least 5 nights a week and I have been losing around 2lbs a week and that is what the doctor told me is a good weight loss. My sw was 163 and my goal was to lose 10lbs by 3/4 when i go to the doctor again. I have already met that goal my weight know is 152 and my goal weight is 120-125lbs. So just stick to it and I to believe you can do it. Have a great day:-)
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