Better Socal Life Than Mine!!!

LOL this morning i had 4 text messages from DIFFERNT people

1= "Morning lil Mama was wondering if my cutie pie niece and nephew can come over and play with the boys today"

2 "What do you have planned for Alli Cakes & Tal today can they come over for awhile and keep sydney and brooke company since its sooo hot outside?

3= " Hey Buttface wakeup!!! whats talon doing today, im taking kaden to the park around 11 i can come by and get him so he can go with us"

4= Hey my fav. sister in law. bring the kids over and swim around 3pm

Have i just become noone?!?! lol not an invite for me but for the kids!!!
age 2 and 7months hahah WHATS GOING ON??!?! they have a better socal life than i do!

i dont even have my kids untill 3pm
lol my other sister in law stole them last night!
lol we went to her house and she wanted them to spend the night and bring em home today!

anyone else suddenly not exist cause you have kids!!! lol


  • JustGorgeous
    LOL this morning i had 4 text messages from DIFFERNT people

    1= "Morning lil Mama was wondering if my cutie pie niece and nephew can come over and play with the boys today"

    2 "What do you have planned for Alli Cakes & Tal today can they come over for awhile and keep sydney and brooke company since its sooo hot outside?

    3= " Hey Buttface wakeup!!! whats talon doing today, im taking kaden to the park around 11 i can come by and get him so he can go with us"

    4= Hey my fav. sister in law. bring the kids over and swim around 3pm

    Have i just become noone?!?! lol not an invite for me but for the kids!!!
    age 2 and 7months hahah WHATS GOING ON??!?! they have a better socal life than i do!

    i dont even have my kids untill 3pm
    lol my other sister in law stole them last night!
    lol we went to her house and she wanted them to spend the night and bring em home today!

    anyone else suddenly not exist cause you have kids!!! lol
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I am always going to "Playdates" with my son! If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't know half the people I do!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Nope! Just wait till they get older.
    You become Talon and Alli's MOM.
    It's so depressing.

    But, why are you complaining! You go out all the time!
    Even on "school" nights! (that's middle of the week for moms with non school aged children :laugh: )
  • JustGorgeous
    I am always going to "Playdates" with my son! If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't know half the people I do!! :laugh: :laugh:

    lol i know right?!?!?!
    but its funny
    someone stole my kids last night
    and today 4 differnt people wanted my kids! hahah

    im like noone even invited me to lunch....or to go shopping sheesh!
  • cavanar2
    cavanar2 Posts: 46
    My ten year old has 10x the social life I do!:wink:
  • JustGorgeous
    Nope! Just wait till they get older.
    You become Talon and Alli's MOM.
    It's so depressing.

    But, why are you complaining! You go out all the time!
    Even on "school" nights! (that's middle of the week for moms with non school aged children :laugh: )

    LOL true!!!
    midde of the week:laugh:

    yeah but we have too lol
    my husbands only night off is Wensdays and sometimes sundays lol
  • JustGorgeous
    My ten year old has 10x the social life I do!:wink:

  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    As a Mom of a now 19 year old soon to turn 20, Ahhh I remember those days...
    But remember this...
    Just because the kids are invited to play does NOT mean that you are NOT also able to tag along. Then when you are at the park. PLAY with the kids. DO what they DO, Swing on the swings, slide down the slide and when you get to the bottom RUN DON'T walk to the ladder and repeat!
    Acting like a kid burns more calories then the same amount of time at a gym, AND you are having fun! NOT TO MENTION that you are making memories for your kids at the same time!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    As a Mom of a now 19 year old soon to turn 20, Ahhh I remember those days...
    But remember this...
    Just because the kids are invited to play does NOT mean that you are NOT also able to tag along. Then when you are at the park. PLAY with the kids. DO what they DO, Swing on the swings, slide down the slide and when you get to the bottom RUN DON'T walk to the ladder and repeat!
    Acting like a kid burns more calories then the same amount of time at a gym, AND you are having fun! NOT TO MENTION that you are making memories for your kids at the same time!

    So true! You should see me at the park..playing "rocket" with my son and his friend!! I go up and down the slide and swing and climb!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • JustGorgeous
    As a Mom of a now 19 year old soon to turn 20, Ahhh I remember those days...
    But remember this...
    Just because the kids are invited to play does NOT mean that you are NOT also able to tag along. Then when you are at the park. PLAY with the kids. DO what they DO, Swing on the swings, slide down the slide and when you get to the bottom RUN DON'T walk to the ladder and repeat!
    Acting like a kid burns more calories then the same amount of time at a gym, AND you are having fun! NOT TO MENTION that you are making memories for your kids at the same time!

    So true! You should see me at the park..playing "rocket" with my son and his friend!! I go up and down the slide and swing and climb!! :laugh: :laugh:

    when i go...we husband makes me and my friends martinis and we sip while the kids play
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    Kids can be GREAT excercise equipment. But like with all equipment, You have to USE IT!
    :wink: :laugh:
    Some of my fondest childhood memories are playing with Mom at the park, or pool.
    I think I was slimmer when my daughter was little because we went to the park/pool/bike riding/ all the time.
  • JustGorgeous
    Kids can be GREAT excercise equipment. But like with all equipment, You have to USE IT!
    :wink: :laugh:
    Some of my fondest childhood memories are playing with Mom at the park, or pool.
    I think I was slimmer when my daughter was little because we went to the park/pool/bike riding/ all the time.

    lol yeah
    we do disneyland and wild animal park once a month
    lol...we do the baby gym usually 2-3 times a month
    lol we swim almost every day in the summer
    and the park is random lol depends on the weather lol
    we just did the del mar fair!
    lol we are pretty active lol just at the usually my and my friends time where we sit and gossip and the kids can play them selves haha