fitnesspal5 Posts: 33
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I am very excited to start it. Hopefully i'll be on my way to some Jillian Michael style abs in no time.

Just wondering how much everyone managed to lose in the 30 day period with this dvd???


  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    I did level one two days ago. I could hardly get out of bed today. I'm a runner, and I can run for many miles and not feel like this. It's a great workout. I can't wait to keep going, but it's going to take some adjustments!
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    I have tried it also I work out at a gym and I did this one day and was soooo sore the next day. I have to keep up at it and stay consistent for 30 days I will start tomorrow and I will let you know 30 days from now :)
  • lorirogs
    lorirogs Posts: 65 Member
    I am on day 3 level 1 and my legs are in pain!! It is a good work out. I plan on doing 10 days on each level.
  • Also I just started this program today so looking forward to my journey :)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    It's addicting. I bought it three days ago. I can barely move my legs. My calves hurt so bad that I wince when I move them. I want to punch Miss Michaels whenever I see her face. But I have lost three pounds in three workouts (I'm sure the results are not typical!) and it feels so good to be alive on the other side of the 20 minutes. I even convinced my best friend to try it with me. She is less in shape than me, complained the whole time we did it, and then said, "I'm feeling really good. Can we do that again tomorrow?"
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    I just did my 10th day! I was really sore after the first workout, and I just went up to Level 2 yesterday and am slightly sore in my shoulders today. I'm seeing changes in my shape but have lost no weight to date. It's a tough workout, but so worth it!
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    started today! Good luck ya'll!
  • I can say that it does get easier, I am on day 10, I should be on like 20... but with kids and getting sick and them getting sick and taking a 3 day break after day one because I couldnt walk..here I am on day 10, I am on level 2...... Good luck its an amazing workout!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I finished L1D3 today and I only needed two under 5 second breaks, so I'm pretty pleased! I felt so full of energy after I finished, I had a couple minute break and then did 20 minutes of Zumba!

    The weird thing is that I don't feel sore or anything. My legs are very muscular though from other exercise (and I'm used to squats and lunges) but I really thought I'd be sore. I'm betting I will be when I move up to L2!
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    I have been doing it 2 weeks and I am not weighing my self till the month is up but I did measure and I have lost an inch off my waist and 3/4 off my hips so far. I posted a blog yesterday with some pics you could go check out.
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Im waiting for this to come through, but after reading the above posts im a bit scared of the pain im gonna be in the next day when I finally get to try it:laugh:
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I finished all 30 days last week. I lost 6 inches total and 3 lbs. It may not sound like much but I can see a real difference in my body. My arms and legs are significantly stronger and my clothes fit much better. I started it again two days ago but I'm going to rotate through the levels this time. Good luck and happy shredding!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I completed the 30 days recently (last time I completed this was in 2009) from Jan 10-Feb 11 ( I took 3 total days off here and there). I add in a run/jog/walk for at least 2 miles a day because I think I need additional cardio with the DVD. Also I only did level 1 for 7-days then I alternated level 2/level 3 every other day to keep my interest. I know all the words and I can even do the workout with the volume down on my laptop while watching or listening to TV :wink: . I watched my calories to the tee! Food intake and what you eat is just as important to get results.

    My results:

    Lost 6.5 lbs
    Lost 3.5 inches off my waist
    Lost 1.5 inches off my hips
    I also have more endurance to run further and faster
    I started with alternating 3 or 5lbs weights, now I just use 5lbs. I also try to do most of Natalie's moves as oppose to Anita's. Even though Natalie cheats at times I try not to.
  • I will be doing day 5 today after work. I started last Sunday 2/13. I was gonna just do it every other day but after the first day I was addicted! I love it! And for me to love a workout enough to stick with it for 30 days straight will be an amazing feat for me. :)
    I was very sore the first couple of days and had to tAke a few breaks, but when I did it yesterday I think I took one break for a couple seconds. So it's getting easier!
    I weigh in on Friday mornings. I'm not expecting a loss this week which will be disappointing, but I just started working out so I know if I gain it's muscle! I'd rather gain it and be toned than lose it and be skinny-fat lol
  • amylrach
    amylrach Posts: 30 Member
    I bought a copy of 30 Day Shred last night. I am going to have my husband do it with me. I am in pretty good shape (I go to Jazzercise classes 3-4 times a week) but I just feel like I need something extra. And I think it would be fun to do some kind of excersise with my husband. He is sick with a cold right now but as soon as he is over that we will be shredding it! Can't wait!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Im waiting for this to come through, but after reading the above posts im a bit scared of the pain im gonna be in the next day when I finally get to try it:laugh:

    The nice thing is that she shows variations for people who may or may not be in super great shape so that everyone can do it!

    I did it for the first time Monday, its the only time I did it this week, and I was sore all the way through yesterday...but its a good sore.

    I'm going to do some of the exercises tonight at the gym!
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