staying on track during vacation

fanullona Posts: 82 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
i'm leaving for madrid tomorrow!!! ahhh! i can't wait! but i'm getting anxious thinking about diverging from my routine of pre-planned meals, gym time, etc. i feel like my routine is the only thing that keeps me in line.
do you guys have any suggestions??
thanks! :)


  • all the walking and sighseeing yuor going to be doing will be great. maybe the hotel has a gym?
  • eshyay
    eshyay Posts: 18
    Spain is beautiful - whenever I've been there I've spent most of my time walking around all day, eating sparse real-food meals (like taking a hunk of bread and a piece of cheese with me and eating them in a square somewhere) and dancing all night... Never got a chance to slow down!

    Good luck, enjoy your holiday!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    At the very least, bring some running shoes and resistance bands, you can get in cardio and a little strength training!'re gonna be in MADRID! I don't think you'll be doing much sitting :) Enjoy! I am leaving for California next week! Yay!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Walking while site seeing will get your steps in. I do bring tennis shoes when I travel abroad and go for power walks early in the morning to really get a feel of the city I'm in. I wouldn't waste anytime in the hotel gym!!! Get out and see things and you'll get enough steps in.

    However, you do have to watch food and drink. This is always what throws me off track on vacation. Frankly, I go for maintenance calories, not loss calories when traveling for leisure. You want to enjoy yourself on vacation, but not gain anything!!! I'd highly recommend buying the Calorie King pocket book and log your food with paper and pencil just to keep yourself in check.

    And remember, when you get home, your weight will most likely be inflated a few pounds just because of water retention from both the flight and from eating more sodium filled foods while on vacation. Don't fret, they'll come off within the week.

    HAVE FUN!!!!!
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    How long will you be gone for? I would suggest...and this is just me...I could be VERY please don't take it as gospel....I don't want anyone to yell at me here....again, only my opinion....take it for what it's worth....who am I anyways.....DON'T SWEAT IT!!!

    You are going to be in another country...away from your normal is a vacation. Just don't go crazy. There is nothing wrong with waking up in the morning and going for a jog before breakfast, maybe hitting some weights on your downtime. I know the goal here is to be healthy and fit and lose weight and get strong, but I think the key here is 'healthy.' I don't think you want to look back on a vacation and say, "Wow...I sure did work out alot." or "I sure am glad I didn't eat paella or flan or have cafe con leche while I was in Spain." You want to enjoy it, basque in the culture....pun intended...and get the most out of the experience. You have a whole lifetime ahead of your real life...with everyday go for the gold. Leave the good fight here and pick it up when you get back. There is no loss that you can't make up.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    Also...what kinds of phones are you people rocking that you still write a journal on paper? Android and iPhone both carry the ap for MFP and it is coming soon to Blackberry. If you don't have it already, I highly suggest it. Nothing logging my calories in my phone and having them sync to my site and there is nothing better than scanning a barcode to pick up my information. I know that if you are away you can't sync it, but you can still carry it and calculate.
  • I'm going on a cruise in 2 weeks & I'm definitley going to bring my runners for the gym on the ship but part of vacationing is experiencing the foods a different region has to offer. I wouldn't deprive yourself of that. and you will be doing a TON of walking! I'm bringing my runners because there's days where we're at sea & not doing walking & tours.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Also...what kinds of phones are you people rocking that you still write a journal on paper? Android and iPhone both carry the ap for MFP and it is coming soon to Blackberry. If you don't have it already, I highly suggest it. Nothing logging my calories in my phone and having them sync to my site and there is nothing better than scanning a barcode to pick up my information. I know that if you are away you can't sync it, but you can still carry it and calculate.

    My phone is a dinosaur and I like it that way :laugh: My husband makes fun of me, but's a phone.
  • Have a great time ~
    Suggestion 1- try to plan the night before where you will be and what you will be doing so you can sorta plan your meals in advance - like say you know you'll be out for breakfast then plan a light walking lunch etc...
    Suggestion 2 - save all your calories for wine!
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