What am I doing wrong? Suggestions?


Here's the thing. I've been on MFP since last Thanksgiving, because I'm at an all-time high for my weight (180 pounds at 5"3). I didn't like what I saw. So I've slowly changed my eating habits over the past few months and have made great progress. GREAT meaning, I'm feeling great and getting in shape.

I cook my own foods (real butter, fresh veggies and herbs, lean meats, whole grains, etc.) I do an hour of kickboxing 4-6 times a week. On my good days, I consume between 750-1000 calories. I've hit 2,000 cals only 5 times in the past month. What's the problem?

I haven't lost a single pound.

Yes, I enjoy a few hundred calories of chocolate or wine, from time to time. But I'm very careful what I put in and I really pump it when I'm burning calories. I have a very slow metabolism (takes me 2 days to digest food sometimes!) I've had tests done (thyroid and cortisol) and everything comes back normal. I'm also very active! (I'm a journalist, a babysitter, a waitress, and landscape designer who kickboxes like a fiend.)

Any suggestions? What could I be doing differently to lose poundage? REAL strategies would be helpful. But, realistically, people. I'm a VERY busy girl. Should I be looking into supplements?

I'd appreciate some insight/suggestions. Thank you!


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I have no suggestions for you, except that maybe you're losing inches and not pounds? Have you taken your measurements throughout the process? Add me if you'd like! :) We are about the same height/weight, it would be fun to walk along side you!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You're not eating enough. 750-1000 calories is not enough to fuel your 'active' lifestyle.
  • godsgiftjcp
    It seems like you may be consuming too few calories and your body is in starvation mode. So instead of your body losing fat, its storing it and your metabolism is more than likely slower. I have learned that you need a certain amount of calories, fat, sugar, etc to lose weight.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    If you are exercising so much and only eating 750-1000, that is your problem. You need to eat more. Follow MFPs recommendations and you should lose the weight. The weight didn't go on overnight and it will take time to lose it as well. Eat the 1200 plus your exercise cals as MFP suggests. The program works

    Not eating the recommended amounts on MFP would be like going to WW and not bothering to count points. They are the main ideas behind the programs, and are done for a reason.
  • megpiemac12
    I'm no doctor or nurse, and I'm new to this myself, but I wonder...750-1000 calories? Your body may be storing that because it is not enough. Not sure....but seems to be very low.
  • Kelleinna
    I'm hardly a professional, but from the sound of it I'd say you're consuming too few calories... I always aim for at LEAST 1200. If you eat too few calories, your metabolism actually slows down.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Short answer: You're probably not eating enough.

    Long answer, though slightly different situation, see:

  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    ignore this response, mistake
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi there, well deftnately sounds like you are doing the work and staying active. I'm not able to view your diary but are you eating 5-6 smaller meals a day to get up your metabolism and drinking at least 8 - 8oz glasses of water a day?. Also a good diet with increased fiber helps, keeps you fuller longer and with all the working out you do, you should be eating plenty of protein, lean meats, nuts, fruits and veggies.
  • amyindm
    amyindm Posts: 93 Member
    Hi there -it sounds like you're doing all sorts of great things to live a healthy life, so kudos. For all the physical activity you're doing though, it doesn't sound like you're eating enough calories each day. That can slow your metabolism down even further. Have you tried a few weeks with eating a few extra hundred calories each day? Just one possible idea! Hang in there. :)
  • kcarlson22
    kcarlson22 Posts: 27 Member
    You should not be eating less than 1200 calories per day. You have put your body in starvation mode. Your body wants to store all of those calories. Your already slow metabolism will become even slower if you do not give it the energy it needs especially when you are working out, you should eat more calories.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Honey, you have put your body into starvation mode...you have starved your body too much so now it holds onto every calorie it can. Increase your calories to at least 1200 a day. That doesn't mean they have to be empty calories, eat proteins that will help you build more lean muscle. My doctor told me that the trick is to NEVER allow yourself to get hungry, but fuel with good foods. Your exercise sounds great, but not enough for your body to function on. You may also look at more greens to help you digest quicker. That would be another sign your body is holding on to food. Good Luck.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Click on the link in my signature.

    Posts you want to read again and again. There is a good chance you aren't consuming enough calories and put your body in starvation mode.
  • MarjorieSf
    It sounds like to me not enough of good calories - your body might be in the starvation mode. Also, I have found that I cannot drink any alcohol as it sets my progress back at least 3-4 days and as hard as it is to lose weight, I am not willing to sacrifice the consumption !!!
  • cherylbarnett
    Nobody will ever tell you it's healthy to eat less than 1200 calories a day. your body thinks you're starving and is therefore storing the extra fat not burning it. The worst part is that if you do lose the weight on that few calories, you're going to rebound to an even higher weight than before. I've done it and it sucks. Continue to work out but up your calories to at least 1200. don't lose your motivation now that you've been doing it so long with little result. you obviously have the drive it takes!! good job.
  • rose_red
    I sympathise because it can be really slow to lose weight for those of us who are well over our target. It's definitely best to go slow though, because the worst thing is to lose it fast and get saggy folds of skin - which happened to a friend of mine when her husband died. People have given you good advice here, and I'm sure if you take it gradually you'll start to see progress soon.
    good luck
  • jadedjade24
    As many other people above me have stated, you are not eating enough calories. At the end of the day, you need to NET 1200 calories minimum. That means if you ate 1200 calories before you exorcised and burned 300...well before you go to bed you need to eat 300 more calories to get back to 1200. you have to remember that calories = energy, and your body needs this enery to function. If it thinks you are not ever going to give it what it needs completely...well, its going to store all that you give it and you wont lose anything.

    So, at the end of the day look over to the fr side of your calorie counter on your home page and see what it says next to NET, if that number is not 1200 after you exorcise, then you need to eat a little more or make something that is high in calories to balance you out.

    Hope this helps.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi and please do not get discourraged. Two things come to mind, one is that you are not eating enough good calories and/or drinking enough water. We should drink 1/2 our body weight in water. When I do not drink enough the scale backs off. Another good idea that I got from someone here was to move things around say what switch your breakfast meals for lunch or so on!
    Best wishes to you and when you get a chance look in the community and check so of our friends here that have lost a good many pounds. All pounds count but I sometimes read their diaries and menu's and to know that they have lost, lets say 131 they really know how this plan can test us!!! Really test all of us. I wish you the best on your journey!!!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    As others have said, you are not eating enough. Use the BMI and BMR calculators, set your goals (use the guided recommendations. and shoot for your calories. You never want to go below 1200 calories a day.