Does anyone else need to lose 100 pounds?



  • callipygianchronicle
    I started with 90. I have 74 to go after a surprising first month loss. There are so many uplifting stories in the Success Stories thread. you will find many people who have lost 80, 100, and more! I read their stories, I look at their photos, and I know that in time I will be there, too. But it’s not about the 90 pounds. It’s not about the end goal. For me, it’s just about making choices that support my health each and every day…and sometimes one meal at a time.
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    My goal is 96 pounds (almost 100). I've lost 81 so far (my MFP ticker is after I had already lost some). It has taken me a year so far to lose the 81, and I'm expecting another 6 months or so for the last 15, as it is coming off MUCH slower now.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I started at 320 and I am now 213, the only advice I ahve is to just stick with it. It takes time but you can do it! Detemination and dedication!
  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    YES!!! I weigh about 289 right now and would like to be around 150! I've been looking for firends on here who are in the same boat and would like to do "challenges" together to stay motivated! Interested?
  • Phoenyxtears
    My overall goal is to lose 145. I've lost 27 already, but I'm still over 100 right now lol. Feel free to add me!
  • klov87
    Hello all. I'm new here. My goal is to loose 120 lbs. which would put me at 200 lbs. I know its a big goal right now, but I'm hoping I can achieve it. I've done random diets throughout the years, but found it hard to follow them. My biggest foe was soda. I'm on day 3 without and I feel great. Another challenge will be the exercising. I work in a nursing home so I'm always walking or lifting, and that has helped a lot over the passed few years. I've gone from a size 26 to a 22/24 depending on the item of clothing. Does anyone have any advice on good work outs that could help?