Resources for nutrition info - carbs, fat, protein, oh my!

Hi all,
I am currently using myfitnesspal to track my food intake only. I am a healthy weight - lift weights 3 times a week, and my cardio probably totals a little over 3 hours each week. I am so lost as to how many calories I should be eating and how much protein, fat, and carbs I need each day. I just did a little Google searching and that made me even more confused!! So many websites seem like unreliable sources.

With a little research, I calculated my BMR to be around 1200 calories - and most formulas/websites said I need between 1800-2000 calories to maintain my current weight. I haven't been counting calories at all, but this seems about right - I haven't gained weight.

I tracked today for the first time in months - I ate 1872 calories - 358g carbs, 36g fat, and 64g protein. According to the ratios I put in for myfitnesspal, I am under in fat and protein, but over in carbs. I am so confused!! Any insights?

Specifically I am looking for websites (preferred) or books that would be a reliable source of information on this stuff. Thanks!! :)