HELP! I need to find a body fat caliper for P90X ASAP

I traveled home from business to find that my mailbox had either blown off or had been stolen. I ordered a body fat caliper from and was expecting it in the mail today and I am afraid I won't get it now. Does anyone know of any national retailers that sell body fat calipers? I tried Sears, ****s, and the general stores like Target, Meijer, and Wal-Mart and can't find it. I have checked the websites of health food stores that have local stores as well. I really wanted to do my fit test and before pics and really do not want to wait until sometime next week to do this and I don't want to start P90X without doing it right. I am stoked to get started and now I am bummed out. HELP!!!!!


  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    GNC- pick yourself up a fat loss monitor as well for 40 bucks ;-)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I forgot about GNC. Thanks. I will try them tomorrow. You gotta love the power of the internet!!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Or you can just chill, not increase cortisol, and wait for the mail tomorrow.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I think my body fat caliper was IN the mailbox when it was stolen/blew away. I live less than 2 hours from a BeachBody warehouse and they typically deliver within 2 working days. TODAY was the 2nd working day. Telling a BeachBody customer service rep that my mailbox blew away is like telling the teacher that the dog ate my homework. Not worth messing around with for a $15 caliper, plus I would be waiting until at least monday with the weekend coming up. I will be heading to GNC right after finishing my elliptical workout. Plan on doing the fit test with my daughter on Sunday and starting P90X on Monday at the latest.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I had some trouble getting everything together and doing the fit test when I started P90X the first time. you can take the first week to just kind of walk through it and get used to the program then start for real the next week.