Changed my activity level but I'm afraid to eat more...

dekarlo08 Posts: 102
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I changed my activity level from sedentary to lightly active because I've started working out regularly. It made my daily calorie allowance go from 1250 to 1350. I've lost 20 pounds the way I've been doing it and I'm afraid to eat more. Any advice????


  • ShelleyBowman
    ShelleyBowman Posts: 54 Member
    I would suggest following the map given on this website. Because of you increased activities, you can "afford" to eat a few more calories. Keep an eye on it... if you find yourself gaining- you can back it back down. You've done a great job... you just need to maintain it now! ;)
  • hilhall822
    hilhall822 Posts: 116 Member
    Hmm... I'm not sure what to do, but I'm interested in others' answers!
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    I have been wondering the same thing!! Curious to see what others have to say!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I would put it back to light because I think it's asking is your daily job active? Even if your job is active, if you leave it at light then you know you always have "extra" calories you can't see. Like having money in the savings account...its there just in case.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Change it back and enter your exercise when you do it, it'll still show up as having more calories available because if you've set weight-loss goal the site has already calculated your caloric intake less an amount daily to lose your chosen 0.5-2 lbs a week loss.

    Lots of posts on eating back exercise calories or not, I do eat some of them back when I exercise.
  • demone00
    demone00 Posts: 31 Member
    I personally would keep it 1200 max even with the calories burned from exercise. I thought (well think) if weightloss is your goal then u intake less calories but not to a point where u are starving your body and to be active some sort of way so that you can lose the weight
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    I changed my activity level from sedentary to lightly active because I've started working out regularly. It made my daily calorie allowance go from 1250 to 1350. I've lost 20 pounds the way I've been doing it and I'm afraid to eat more. Any advice????

    I really caution you in upping your calorie intake. If you really are working out enough to up the intake, then go for it. But be honest with yourself. Do NOT increase how many calories you will have unless you REALLY DO the extra work to be able to have the luxury of an increased intake. Also, if you keep the new 1350 calorie goal, make sure the extra calories you are having are coming from good foods like fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and light yogurts and lean proteins. Also, for every time you work out, try to push yourself at least 2-5 extra minutes than your last workout. This will push your body to increase its strength and endurance and ultimately keep you from back tracking on your workouts. With such a low calorie goal, you really shouldn't just be counting on eating healthily alone to make you lighter. Toning is just as important as eating right! Good luck :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I think if it were me I would have left it as was. I would rather underestimate than overestimate
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    If you change your activity level because you exercise then add your exercise in when you do it then you're counting the exercise twice.

    I leave mine set at sedentary (I work in a cubicle all day) thenlog all of exercise calories on their own.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I changed my activity level from sedentary to lightly active because I've started working out regularly. It made my daily calorie allowance go from 1250 to 1350. I've lost 20 pounds the way I've been doing it and I'm afraid to eat more. Any advice????

    Well, see if you gain weight with your new eating pattern (ie 1350 Calories). If you do, go back to 1200 as your goal.
  • I am very reluctant to up my calorie intake even when I've exercised cause one of my big things is lack of self control. I find that once I start having that little extra, I can't stop & then go a little more then a little more then it's way out of control.

    I would go with the others recommendation, put your calorie intake back to the level you know & when you log on you can educate your mind to see the lower calorie figure & the result will be better weight loss.
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I would put it back to light because I think it's asking is your daily job active? Even if your job is active, if you leave it at light then you know you always have "extra" calories you can't see. Like having money in the savings account...its there just in case.

    Exercise should be logged separately from your daily job/life activities. So unless your job has gotten more active leave the setting on light. As you add your exercises you'll gain more calories to eat.
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