I've never tried this before... but here I go...

Hi there fitness pals, my name is Trish, and I am a happy puppy mommy at 32. I am a professional with a high stress job. I have always been in my yoyo dieting frenzy ever since I can remember. I was a chubby kid, that got her weight down through exercise and dieting in her teens... and after a long journey of studying and training, I am finally out in the real world working my craft.

It wasn't easy, I was new to the Phoenix area and after almost two years - I gained about 15 lbs. I blame my stressful job, and my bad eating habits (I eat anything). I am active, and I go to the gym (almost) regularly except for some weeks that I am lazy. I am someone that you'll call a weekend warrior... so when I am off (and it's hardly a weekend) I do a lot of running, spinning, strength traning.. lately I have not been off so I've pretty much ate my way up here.

I am looking for similar guys and gals that share my story... here's to better eating habits and a more active lifestyle!!!

Please add me in your friends list...


  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Sounds like you already have the exercise aspect down. Now just nail down your eating habits and those holiday pounds will melt away.