I feel like quitting...



  • Sweetie Don't give up! Everyone who has replied has given some great advice and warm encouraging words. Find what works best for you and just stick to it without over working your body and remember with just as much work as you are putting on your body you need to give it much rest as well. Too much of anything is bad for you. And it's always god to switch up your exercises. My sister was working out every single day doing hard core exercises, she got great results but she also caused stress on her body and now she has messed up her knees. I don't want that to happen to you or anyone but just please find a middle ground so that you are not thinking about counting calories, weighing yourself, or seeing how many inches you have lost. It can become an addiction (my sis definitely was) and I don't want that to happen to you. Just a suggestion, how about taking up a hobby (if you can) that will still keep you active. We all have your back and believe in you. You can do it! :smile:
  • hey guys,

    my philosophy is that life is for enjoying and living- we are losing weight to feel happier right? So if you aren't feeling happy then maybe what you are doing isn't working for you. Don't get bogged down by feeling sad if you eat a bit of cake or don't exercise at much as you have been. Take a break, because in the great scheme of things it doesn't really matter!Enjoy yourself and love yourself and the people around you while you can. being on a diet is only a small part of you, think of all the other great things about yourself that people love! Don't let your weight rule you!!!

    Be Happy.

    :) xxxx
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
    i feel you pain.... look how many ppl responded to your post..... strangers care about you :)

    bottome line.... eat less.... move more....... don't punish yourself w/ dvds that piss you off :)

    i tried 30 day shred and couldn't stand jillian's voice and how she talked... stupid i know. so i bought a different one and like it so much better and my muscles still ache a bit the next day and it raises my heart rate... byebye jillian.

    good luck my friend :)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I just got home...after my morning rant, I decided to screw Jillian Michaels and the daily 12pm torture, I went out and went window shopping...as it turned out...retail therapy was what I needed! But coming back reading all of these comments are just amazing! You guys actually read my words and cared and you don't even know me! I feel very blessed...actually, I got quite teary reading some of the comments...

    You guys are right. I am burnt out and I think I have pushed myself a little too much. I was so addicted to 'finishing my programs', I didn't really listen to my body and I just kept going. My left knee is pretty messed up, I'm fine when I'm working out but the second I stop, I can feel it tightening up and walking up and down the stairs have been quite difficult...all the symptoms you all mentioned above, I got it..depressed, no appetite, muscle fatique, etc etc etc...honestly I never actually thought it was due to over training, I thought it was just me being lazy!

    I went out for a long walk around my favorite area in London, had myself some really bad imitated Mexican tacos (you really can't get the good stuff here in London) and went on a long bus ride listening to songs. For the first time in over a month, I didn't go for a walk with a goal to burn calories..I didn't wear my HRM, I wasn't wearing my running shoes, I just went for a very leisure walk...and I think that's actually done the trick.

    I seriously feel very blessed and I thank you for taking the time and write such lovely and educated comments...I don't know what else to say...except thank you from the bottom of my heart...

    I will reach my goal...no matter what it takes...I won't quit =)

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