

  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    cheat days? cheat meal?

    i guess that is because i am now of the frame of mind that this is simply going to be the way i eat for the rest of my life.
    i am not feeling the least bit deprived, as i have what i want when i want it, and 'budget' my calories etc accordingly so it fits within my allotment.

    it's like having a calorie budget for me *L*
    Like last weekend, i found i had lots of extra calories, carbs and sodium 'budget' left by suppertime so suggested supper 'out' for a change where i had THE most delicious 7 cheese baked ravioli *grins*
    Of course i ordered steamed, unseasoned veg on the side, and had no dessert while those around me all had dessert.. but... i was fine with that, it did not bother me as feeling good about how well i had planned to be able to have that pasta made me feel so virtuous it actually felt better than the chocolate brownie would have tasted *LOL*
    That's just me though.. i am sure i have an accountant hidden in my brain somewhere as i do love tracking numbers and working with 'budgets' .. it feels very satisfying and motivating for me *L*

    Note.. yes, i went over on my sodium for that meal.. but, i have set my sodium daily max at 1500mg.. so having 1700mg sodium that day did not upset me *S* am not fanatical, (as hubby likes to suggest while rolling his eyes and eating brownies and ice-cream - and HE is the one with diabetes!).. i knew i was fine with that sodium overage for one day so no biggy at all for that lil bit *S*